How to use int64-buffer - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few int64-buffer examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github eosdac / eosdac-api / handlers / action-handler.js View on Github external
textDecoder: new TextDecoder

            const trx_id_arr = hexToUint8Array(trx_id);


            if (this.amq) {
                //`Queueing action for ${action.act.account}::${}`);
                const block_buffer = new Int64(block_num).toBuffer();
                const timestamp_buffer = this.int32ToBuffer(block_timestamp.getTime() / 1000);
                const trx_id_buffer = Buffer.from(trx_id_arr);
                const recv_buffer = new Int64(action.receipt[1].recv_sequence).toBuffer();
                const global_buffer = new Int64(action.receipt[1].global_sequence).toBuffer();
                const action_buffer = Buffer.from(sb_action.array);
                //`Publishing action`)
                this.amq.send('action', Buffer.concat([block_buffer, timestamp_buffer, trx_id_buffer, recv_buffer, global_buffer, action_buffer]))
            } else {
                console.error(`No queue when processing action for ${action.act.account}::${} in ${trx_id}`, {action});

        if (action.inline_traces && action.inline_traces.length) {
            for (let itc of action.inline_traces) {
                //"inline trace\n", itc);
                if (itc[0] === 'action_trace_v0') {
                    this.queueAction(block_num, itc[1], trx_id, block_timestamp);
github L-Leite / cso2-master-server / src / packets / out / userinfo / fulluserupdate.ts View on Github external
// outPacket.writeUInt32(this.userId)

        // should always be 0xFFFFFFFF for a full update
        outPacket.writeUInt32(0xFFFFFFFF) // flags

        // flag & 0x1
        outPacket.writeUInt64(new Uint64LE(0x2241158F)) // unk00, nexon id?
        // end flag & 0x1
        // flag & 0x2
        outPacket.writeString(new PacketString(user.playerName)) // userName
        // end of flag & 0x2
        // flag & 0x4
        outPacket.writeUInt16(user.level) // level
        // end of flag & 0x4
        // flag & 0x8
        outPacket.writeUInt64(new Uint64LE(user.curExp)) // curExp
        outPacket.writeUInt64(new Uint64LE(user.maxExp)) // maxExp
        outPacket.writeUInt32(0x313) // unk03
        // end of flag & 0x8
        // flag & 0x10
        outPacket.writeUInt8(user.rank) // rank
        outPacket.writeUInt8(0) // unk05
        // end of flag & 0x10
        // flag & 0x20
        outPacket.writeUInt64(new Uint64LE(0x7AF3)) // unk06
        // end of flag & 0x20
        // flag & 0x40
        outPacket.writeUInt32(10) // unk07
        outPacket.writeUInt32(user.wins) // wins
        outPacket.writeUInt32(user.kills) // kills
        outPacket.writeUInt32(80) // unk10
        outPacket.writeUInt32(user.deaths) // deaths
github L-Leite / cso2-master-server / src / packets / out / userinfo / fulluserupdate.ts View on Github external
// should always be 0xFFFFFFFF for a full update
        outPacket.writeUInt32(0xFFFFFFFF) // flags

        // flag & 0x1
        outPacket.writeUInt64(new Uint64LE(0x2241158F)) // unk00, nexon id?
        // end flag & 0x1
        // flag & 0x2
        outPacket.writeString(new PacketString(user.playerName)) // userName
        // end of flag & 0x2
        // flag & 0x4
        outPacket.writeUInt16(user.level) // level
        // end of flag & 0x4
        // flag & 0x8
        outPacket.writeUInt64(new Uint64LE(user.curExp)) // curExp
        outPacket.writeUInt64(new Uint64LE(user.maxExp)) // maxExp
        outPacket.writeUInt32(0x313) // unk03
        // end of flag & 0x8
        // flag & 0x10
        outPacket.writeUInt8(user.rank) // rank
        outPacket.writeUInt8(0) // unk05
        // end of flag & 0x10
        // flag & 0x20
        outPacket.writeUInt64(new Uint64LE(0x7AF3)) // unk06
        // end of flag & 0x20
        // flag & 0x40
        outPacket.writeUInt32(10) // unk07
        outPacket.writeUInt32(user.wins) // wins
        outPacket.writeUInt32(user.kills) // kills
        outPacket.writeUInt32(80) // unk10
        outPacket.writeUInt32(user.deaths) // deaths
        outPacket.writeUInt32(user.assists) // assists
github runtimejs / runtime / js / driver / virtio / blk.js View on Github external
function buildHeader(type, sector) {
    const u8 = new Uint8Array(16);
    const view = new DataView(u8.buffer);
    view.setUint32(0, type, true);
    view.setUint32(4, 0, true); // priority: low
    u8.set((new Uint64LE(sector)).toArray(), 8);
    return u8;
github L-Leite / cso2-master-server / src / packets / out / room / gameresult.ts View on Github external
public static build(outPacket: OutPacketBase): void {
        outPacket.writeUInt8(0) // unk00
        outPacket.writeUInt8(0) // unk01
        outPacket.writeUInt8(0) // unk02
        outPacket.writeUInt64(new Uint64LE(0)) // unk03
        outPacket.writeUInt64(new Uint64LE(0)) // unk04
        outPacket.writeUInt8(0) // unk05
        outPacket.writeString(new PacketString(null)) // unk06
        outPacket.writeString(new PacketString(null)) // unk07
        outPacket.writeUInt8(0) // unk08
        outPacket.writeUInt8(0) // unk09
github L-Leite / cso2-master-server / src / packets / out / roomlist / item.ts View on Github external
outPacket.writeUInt16( // startMoney
        // end flags & 0x20000
        // flags & 0x40000
        outPacket.writeUInt8(0) // unk26
        // end flags & 0x40000
        // flags & 0x80000
        outPacket.writeUInt8(0) // unk27
        // end flags & 0x80000
        // flags & 0x100000
        outPacket.writeUInt8(0) // unk28
        // end flags & 0x100000
        // flags & 0x200000
        outPacket.writeUInt8(1) // unk29
        // end flags & 0x200000
        // flags & 0x400000
        outPacket.writeUInt64(new Uint64LE(0x5AF6F7BF)) // unk30
        // end flags & 0x400000
        // flags & 0x800000
        outPacket.writeUInt8( // winLimit
        outPacket.writeUInt16( // killLimit
        outPacket.writeUInt8( // forceCamera
        // end flags & 0x800000
        // flags & 0x1000000
        outPacket.writeUInt8(4) // unk31
        // end flags & 0x1000000
        // flags & 0x2000000
        outPacket.writeUInt8(0) // unk35
        // end flags & 0x2000000
        // flags & 0x4000000
        outPacket.writeUInt8( // nextMapEnabled
        // end flags & 0x4000000
        // flags & 0x8000000
github L-Leite / cso2-master-server / src / packets / out / room / createandjoin.ts View on Github external
public static async build(room: Room, outPacket: OutPacketBase): Promise {
        outPacket.writeUInt32( // roomHostId

        outPacket.writeUInt8(2) // unk01
        outPacket.writeUInt8(2) // unk02

        outPacket.writeUInt16( // roomId

        outPacket.writeUInt8(5) // unk04

        // special class start?
        // flags & 0x1
        outPacket.writeUInt64(new Uint64LE('FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF', 16)) // roomFlags
        outPacket.writeString(new PacketString(room.settings.roomName)) // roomName
        // end of flags & 0x1
        // flags & 0x2
        outPacket.writeUInt8(0) // unk05
        // end of flags & 0x2
        // flags & 0x4
        outPacket.writeUInt8(0) // unk06
        outPacket.writeUInt32(0) // unk07
        outPacket.writeUInt32(0) // unk08
        // end of flags & 0x4
        // flags & 0x8
        outPacket.writeString(new PacketString(null)) // unk09
        // end of flags & 0x8
        // flags & 0x10
        outPacket.writeUInt16(0) // unk10
        // end of flags & 0x10
github eosdac / eosdac-api / eosdac-processor.js View on Github external
async processContractRow(job) {
        const sb = new Serialize.SerialBuffer({
            textEncoder: new TextEncoder,
            textDecoder: new TextDecoder,
            array: new Uint8Array(job.content)

        const block_num = new Int64(sb.getUint8Array(8)).toString();
        const present = sb.get();
        const block_timestamp_arr = sb.getUint8Array(4);
        // const block_timestamp_int = sb.getUint32();
        let buffer = Buffer.from(block_timestamp_arr);
        var block_timestamp_int = buffer.readUInt32BE(0);
        const block_timestamp = new Date(block_timestamp_int * 1000);
        sb.get(); // version
        const code = sb.getName();
        const scope = sb.getName();
        const table = sb.getName();
        const primary_key = new Int64(sb.getUint8Array(8)).toString();
        const payer = sb.getName();
        const data_raw = sb.getBytes();

        try {
            const table_type = await this.delta_handler.getTableType(code, table);
github eosdac / eosdac-api / handlers / delta-handler.js View on Github external
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            const ts = Math.floor(block_timestamp.getTime() / 1000);
            //'ts', ts);
            const timestamp_buffer = this.int32ToBuffer(ts);
            const block_buffer = new Int64(block_num).toBuffer();
            const present_buffer = Buffer.from([row.present]);
            //`Publishing ${name}`)
            this.amq.send(name, Buffer.concat([block_buffer, present_buffer, timestamp_buffer, Buffer.from(]))
github eosdac / eosdac-api / eosdac-filler.js View on Github external
async processBlockRange(job) {
        this.job = job;
        //await this.amq.ack(job)

        const start_buffer = job.content.slice(0, 8);
        const end_buffer = job.content.slice(8);

        const start_block = new Int64BE(start_buffer).toString();
        const end_block = new Int64BE(end_buffer).toString();`processBlockRange pid : ${} ${start_block} to ${end_block}`);

        const dac_directory = new DacDirectory({config: this.config, db:this.db});
        await dac_directory.reload();

        const action_handler = new ActionHandler({queue: this.amq, config: this.config, dac_directory, logger:this.logger});
        const block_handler = new TraceHandler({queue: this.amq, action_handler, config: this.config, logger:this.logger});
        const delta_handler = new DeltaHandler({queue: this.amq, config: this.config, dac_directory, logger:this.logger});
 = new StateReceiver({startBlock: start_block, endBlock: end_block, mode: 1, config: this.config});;; => {
            //`StateReceiver completed`, job)


64bit Long Integer on Buffer/Array/ArrayBuffer in Pure JavaScript

Latest version published 3 months ago

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