How to use inputmask - 9 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few inputmask examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github brandynbennett / ember-inputmask / addon / components / input-mask.js View on Github external
'2': {
        'validator': '[2-9]'

    if (!this.element) {

    var mask = this.get('mask'), options = this.get('options');

    if (this.element.inputmask) {

    var inputmask = new Inputmask(mask, options);

    // Initialize the unmasked value if it exists
    if (isPresent(this.get('unmaskedValue'))) {
      this.element.value = this.get('unmaskedValue');

    // If the mask has changed, we need to refocus the input to show the
    // proper mask preview. Since the caret is not positioned by the focus
    // even, but the click event, we need to trigger a click as well.
    if (this.element === document.activeElement) {
github orchidsoftware / platform / resources / js / controllers / fields / input_controller.js View on Github external
// mask
        if (mask.length < 1) {

        if (mask.removeMaskOnSubmit) {
            let form = element.form || this.element.closest('form')

            form.addEventListener('orchid:screen-submit', () => {
            mask.removeMaskOnSubmit = undefined;

github brandynbennett / ember-inputmask / addon / components / one-way-input-mask.js View on Github external
_setupMask() {
    let mask = get(this, 'mask'), options = get(this, '_options');
    let inputmask = new Inputmask(mask, options);

    // We need to setup a manual event listener for the change event instead of using the Ember
    // Component event methods, because the Inputmask events don't play nice with the Component
    // ones. Similar issue happens in React.js as well
    let eventListener = event => this._processNewValue(;
    set(this, '_changeEventListener', eventListener);
    this.element.addEventListener('input', eventListener);
github brandynbennett / ember-inputmask / addon / components / one-way-input-mask.js View on Github external
_processNewValue(value) {
    let cursorStart = this.element.selectionStart;
    let cursorEnd = this.element.selectionEnd;
    let unmaskedValue = this._getUnmaskedValue();
    let oldUnmaskedValue = get(this, '_value');
    let options = get(this, '_options');

    // We only want to make changes if something is different so we don't cause infinite loops or
    // double renders.
    // We want to make sure that that values we compare are going to come out the same through
    // the masking algorithm, to ensure that we only call `update` if the values are actually different
    // (e.g. '1234.' will be masked as '1234' and so when `update` is called and passed back
    // into the component the decimal will be removed, we don't want this)
    if (Inputmask.format(String(oldUnmaskedValue), options) !== Inputmask.format(unmaskedValue, options)) {
      this.sendUpdate(unmaskedValue, value);

      // When the value is updated, and then sent back down the cursor moves to the end of the field.
      // We therefore need to put it back to where the user was typing so they don't get janked around
      schedule('afterRender', () => {
        this.element.setSelectionRange(cursorStart, cursorEnd);
github krustnic / v-inputmask / index.js View on Github external
componentUpdated: function(el, binding){
                var inputEl = Settings.getTargetElement(el);
                var maskOptions = Settings.getInputMaskOptions(binding);

                if ( binding.value !== binding.oldValue ) {
                    if ( inputEl.inputmask ) {

github surveyjs / widgets / src / inputmask.js View on Github external
surveyElement.inputMask == "decimal"
      ) {
        options.groupSeparator = rootWidget.numericGroupSeparator;
        options.autoGroup = rootWidget.numericAutoGroup;
      if (surveyElement.inputMask == "currency") {
        options.digits = rootWidget.numericDigits;
        options.digitsOptional = rootWidget.numericDigitsOptional;
        options.prefix = surveyElement.prefix || "";
        options.placeholder = rootWidget.numericPlaceholder;
      if (surveyElement.inputMask == "datetime") {
        mask = surveyElement.inputFormat;

      Inputmask(mask, options).mask(el);

      el.onblur = function() {
        if (surveyElement.value === el.inputmask.getemptymask()) {
          surveyElement.value = "";

      el.oninput = function() {
        surveyElement.customWidgetData.isNeedRender = true;

      var pushValueHandler = function () {
        if (el.inputmask.isComplete()) {
          surveyElement.value = options.autoUnmask ?
            el.inputmask.unmaskedvalue() : el.value;
        } else {
github brandynbennett / ember-inputmask / addon / components / input-mask.js View on Github external
setMask: function() {
      '2': {
        'validator': '[2-9]'

    if (!this.element) {

    var mask = this.get('mask'), options = this.get('options');

    if (this.element.inputmask) {

    var inputmask = new Inputmask(mask, options);
github hursey013 / budget-duo / src / config.js View on Github external
tooltips: {
        callbacks: {
          label(tooltipItem, data) {
            const dataset = data.datasets[tooltipItem.datasetIndex];
            const label = data.labels[tooltipItem.index];
            const currentValue =[tooltipItem.index];
            const percentage = parseFloat((currentValue * 100).toFixed(0));

            return `${label}: ${percentage}%`;

export const inputmask = new Inputmask({
  alias: 'currency',
  allowMinus: false,
  autoUnmask: true,
  prefix: '',

export const formatter = new Intl.NumberFormat('en-US', {
  style: 'currency',
  currency: 'USD',
  minimumFractionDigits: 2,


Inputmask is a javascript library which creates an input mask. Inputmask can run against vanilla javascript, jQuery and jqlite.

Latest version published 10 months ago

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