Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
function setupDb () {
const influxServer = Piloted.service('influxdb');
if (!influxServer && internals.failCount > 10) {
internals.failCount = 0;
if (!influxServer) {
internals.db = bufferedDb;
return setTimeout(setupDb, 1000);
internals.db = new Influx.InfluxDB({
host: influxServer.address,
port: influxServer.port,
username: process.env.INFLUXDB_USER,
password: process.env.INFLUXDB_PWD
.then(() => {
.catch((err) => {
console.error(`Error creating Influx database!`);
// Influx may not be entirely ready
setTimeout(setupDb, 1000);
import * as influx from 'influx';
import { IDB, IDBPayload } from './types';
import Logger from './logger';
const console = new Logger('[DB Connector]: ');
// DB instance
const DBNAME = 'lighthouse';
const DB = new influx.InfluxDB({
host: process.env.HOST || 'localhost',
database: DBNAME
export default {
init: async () => {
try {
const names = await DB.getDatabaseNames();
if (names.indexOf(DBNAME) === -1) {
console.log('Database does not exist. Creating database');
return DB.createDatabase(DBNAME);
console.log('Database exist. Connection ready');
return Promise.resolve();
} catch (err) {
return Promise.reject('Database: Failed to initialise Connection');
console.log('Influx URL: ' + INFLUX_URL);
// See:
// See:
const influx = new Influx.InfluxDB({
database: 'events',
schema: [
measurement: 'events',
fields: {
value: Influx.FieldType.FLOAT,
message: Influx.FieldType.STRING,
tags: [
'thing', 'environment', 'type'
.then(names => {
if (!names.includes('events')) {
return influx.createDatabase('events');
.catch(err => {
SPEEDY_INTERVAL: process.env.SPEEDY_INTERVAL || '* * * * *',
SPEEDY_MAX_TIME: process.env.SPEEDY_MAX_TIME || 5000
const influx = new Influx.InfluxDB({
host: settings.SPEEDY_DB_HOST,
database: settings.SPEEDY_DB_NAME,
schema: [
measurement: 'speed_test',
fields: {
download: Influx.FieldType.INTEGER,
upload: Influx.FieldType.INTEGER,
originalUpload: Influx.FieldType.INTEGER,
originalDownload: Influx.FieldType.INTEGER,
executionTime: Influx.FieldType.FLOAT
tags: [
console.log('speedy settings:', settings);
// run it every minute
schedule.scheduleJob(settings.SPEEDY_INTERVAL, () => {
function setup() {
const influxConnection = config.get("metrics.influx.dsn");
const influx = new InfluxDB(influxConnection);
log('debug', `Connecting influx to ${influxConnection}`);
let queue = [];
let lastWrite = new Date();
let lastPrintedError;
function drainQueue() {
const queueToSend = queue;
queue = [];
lastWrite = new Date();
if (queueToSend.length > 0) {
log('info', `Draining queue for influx. Writing ${queueToSend.length} points.`);
influx.writePoints(queueToSend).catch(err => {
// limit an error to once every 30 seconds
if (!lastPrintedError || (new Date() - lastPrintedError) > 30) {
log('error', `Error saving data to InfluxDB! ${err.stack}`);
var InfluxOutput = module.exports = function InfluxOutput(opts)
assert(opts && _.isObject(opts), 'you must pass an options object');
assert(opts.hosts && _.isArray(opts.hosts), 'you must pass an array in the `hosts` option');
assert(opts.username && _.isString(opts.username), 'you must pass a `username` option');
assert(opts.password && _.isString(opts.password), 'you must pass a `password` option');
assert(opts.database && _.isString(opts.database), 'you must pass a `database` option');, { objectMode: true });
if (!opts.requestTimeout) opts.requestTimeout = 65000; // in ms
if (!opts.batchTimeout) opts.batchTimeout = 30000; // in ms
this.options = opts;
this.client = new Influx.InfluxDB(opts);
this.batch = {};
this.batchLength = 0;
// Default to 1 to be backwards-compatible.
this.batchSize = opts.batchSize || 1;
this.batchTimeout = opts.batchTimeout;
this.nextBatchTime = + opts.batchTimeout;
this.log = bole('influx-9');'influx output configured for ' + opts.database);
util.inherits(InfluxOutput, stream.Writable);
const config = require("./config/config");
const MeasurementManager = require("./services/measurement_manager");
const auth_router_factory = require("./routes/auth_routes");
const packet_router_factory = require("./routes/packet_routes");
const stats_router_factory = require("./routes/stats_routes");
const about_router_factory = require("./routes/about_routes");
const subsampling = require("./services/subsampling");
const retention_policies = require("./config/retention_policies");
// This type of metadata should probably be in a database,
// but for now, retrieve it from a JSON file
const measurement_config = require("./meta_data/measurement_config");
// Set up the database and its managers
const Influx = require("influx");
const influx = new Influx.InfluxDB(config.influxdb);
.then(names => {
// Check to see if the chosen database has been created
if (!names.includes(config.influxdb.database)) {
// The database does not exist. Create it.
debug(`Creating database '${config.influxdb.database}'`);
return influx.createDatabase(config.influxdb.database);
} else {
debug(`Database '${config.influxdb.database}' already exists.`);
return Promise.resolve();
.then(() => {
// Having created or made sure the database exists, set up the retention policies
'use strict'
const Influx = require('influx')
module.exports = new Influx.InfluxDB({
host: '',
database: 'piGarden'
const Influx = require('influx');
module.exports =
process.env.INFLUXDB_URL ?
new Influx.InfluxDB( process.env.INFLUXDB_URL )
: new Influx.InfluxDB({
host: process.env.HOST || 'localhost',
database: 'lighthouse'