Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
output[reservedKeys.primary] = []
// Set top-level pagination links.
if (count > limit) {
let queryLength = 0
if (query) {
delete query[pageOffset]
delete query[pageLimit]
queryLength = Object.keys(query).length
const paged = prefix + uriTemplate.fillFromObject({
type: inflectType[type] ?
inflection.transform(type, typeInflections[1]) : type
Object.assign(output[reservedKeys.links], {
[reservedKeys.first]: `${paged}${queryLength ? '&' : '?'}` +
`${encodedOffset}=0` +
[reservedKeys.last]: `${paged}${queryLength ? '&' : '?'}` +
`${encodedOffset}=${Math.floor((count - 1) / limit) * limit}` +
limit + (offset || 0) < count ? {
[]: `${paged}${queryLength ? '&' : '?'}` +
`${encodedOffset}=${(Math.floor((offset || 0) / limit) + 1) *
} : null,
(offset || 0) >= limit ? {
ids: => record[keys.primary])
else if (relatedField)
output[reservedKeys.primary] =
recordTypes[originalType][relatedField][keys.isArray] ? [] : null
// Set related records.
if (relatedField)
output[reservedKeys.links] = {
[reservedKeys.self]: prefix + uriTemplate.fillFromObject({
type: inflectType[originalType] ?
inflection.transform(originalType, typeInflections[1]) :
ids: originalIds,
relatedField: inflectKeys ? inflection.transform(relatedField,
[ 'underscore', 'dasherize' ]) : relatedField
// To show included records, we have to flatten them :(
if (include) {
output[reservedKeys.included] = []
for (const type of Object.keys(include))
include[type].map(mapRecord.bind(this, type)))
if (Object.keys(output).length)
contextResponse.payload = output
type: inflectType ? inflection.pluralize(type) : type,
ids: => record[keys.primary])
else if (relatedField)
output[reservedKeys.primary] =
recordTypes[originalType][relatedField][keys.isArray] ? [] : null
// Set related records.
if (relatedField)
output[reservedKeys.links] = {
[reservedKeys.self]: prefix + uriTemplate.fillFromObject({
type: inflectType ?
inflection.pluralize(originalType) : originalType,
ids: originalIds,
relatedField: inflectKeys ? inflection.transform(relatedField,
[ 'underscore', 'dasherize' ]) : relatedField
// To show included records, we have to flatten them :(
if (include) {
output[reservedKeys.included] = []
for (let type of Object.keys(include))
.map(mapRecord.bind(this, type)))
if (Object.keys(output).length)
response.payload = output
function getPath(verb, method, methodName, basePath) {
// TODO: Maybe this should be more in express-style also so we can re-use it in the client-side?!
var remotePath = '';
basePath.forEach(function(_) {
remotePath += '/' + _;
var nameWithoutVerb = utils.captureOne(methodName, /^[a-z]+(.*)$/);
if(nameWithoutVerb && nameWithoutVerb.length) {
// If the method is a RESTful call, we pluralize the names.
// If it's not a RESTful call, e.g. a verb-based call (RPCish), we leave the name as-is.
if(isRESTMethod(methodName)) {
remotePath += '/' + inflection.transform(nameWithoutVerb, ['tableize', 'dasherize']);
else {
remotePath += '/' + inflection.transform(nameWithoutVerb, ['dasherize']).toLowerCase();
var args = utils.getMethodArgumentNames(method);
args.forEach(function(arg) {
if(arg.length && arg[0] == '$') {
throw new Error('Starting argument names with `$` is no longer neccesary. Please remove the $ in `' + methodName + '` argument `' + arg + '`.');
remotePath += '/:' + arg;
// If nothing is specified in the path yet, make sure it's at least /.
// TODO: Maybe this should be more in express-style also so we can re-use it in the client-side?!
var remotePath = '';
basePath.forEach(function(_) {
remotePath += '/' + _;
var nameWithoutVerb = utils.captureOne(methodName, /^[a-z]+(.*)$/);
if(nameWithoutVerb && nameWithoutVerb.length) {
// If the method is a RESTful call, we pluralize the names.
// If it's not a RESTful call, e.g. a verb-based call (RPCish), we leave the name as-is.
if(isRESTMethod(methodName)) {
remotePath += '/' + inflection.transform(nameWithoutVerb, ['tableize', 'dasherize']);
else {
remotePath += '/' + inflection.transform(nameWithoutVerb, ['dasherize']).toLowerCase();
var args = utils.getMethodArgumentNames(method);
args.forEach(function(arg) {
if(arg.length && arg[0] == '$') {
throw new Error('Starting argument names with `$` is no longer neccesary. Please remove the $ in `' + methodName + '` argument `' + arg + '`.');
remotePath += '/:' + arg;
// If nothing is specified in the path yet, make sure it's at least /.
if(remotePath.length === 0) {
remotePath += '/';
function getNameComplex() {
let inflectionMethod =[0].toUpperCase() ===[0] ? "camelize" : "underscore";
const separator = inflectionMethod === "camelize" ? "" : "_";
const tableName = inflection.transform(, [inflectionMethod]);
const fkToRelationName = inflection.transform(
["pluralize", inflectionMethod]
return tableName + separator + fkToRelationName;
Object.keys(propertiesMap).forEach(function(propertyName) {
var property = propertiesMap[propertyName];
if(!property.options.isPrivate) {
resource: inflection.transform(, ['underscore', 'dasherize']).toLowerCase(),
capitalName: inflection.capitalize(,
singularName: utils.ucfirst(inflection.singularize(,
pluralName: utils.ucfirst(inflection.pluralize(,
isManyToMany: property.isManyToMany(),
isOneToMany: !property.isManyToMany() && !!property.options.hasMany,
isOneToOne: !!property.options.belongsTo || !!property.options.hasOne,
hasMany: !!property.options.hasMany,
throughModelDependencyName: property.options.through ? (property.options.through.getName() + 'Model') : null
'Can only show relationships for one record at a time.')
if (method !== methods.find) {
delete contextResponse.payload
return contextResponse
const output = {
[reservedKeys.jsonapi]: jsonapi,
[reservedKeys.links]: {
[reservedKeys.self]: prefix + uriTemplate.fillFromObject({
type: inflectType[originalType] ?
inflection.transform(originalType, typeInflections[1]) :
ids: originalIds, relatedField: reservedKeys.relationships,
relationship: inflectKeys ? inflection.transform(relatedField,
[ 'underscore', 'dasherize' ]) : relatedField
[reservedKeys.related]: prefix + uriTemplate.fillFromObject({
type: inflectType[originalType] ?
inflection.transform(originalType, typeInflections[1]) :
ids: originalIds,
relatedField: inflectKeys ? inflection.transform(relatedField,
[ 'underscore', 'dasherize' ]) : relatedField
const isArray = recordTypes[originalType][relatedField][keys.isArray]
const identifiers = => ({
[reservedKeys.type]: inflectType[type] ?
throughModelDependencyName: property.options.through ? (property.options.through.getName() + 'Model') : null
var authenticator = model.models.getAuthenticator();
return {
name: model.getName(),
dependencyName: model.getName() + 'Model',
authenticatorDependencyName: authenticator ? authenticator.getName() + 'Model' : null,
authenticatingPropertyName: model.options.authenticatingProperty ? : null,
isAuthenticator: model.isAuthenticator(),
isPasswordBasedAuthenticator: model.isAuthenticator() && model.options.isPasswordBased,
isPasswordlessAuthenticator: model.isAuthenticator() && !model.options.isPasswordBased,
resourceName: inflection.transform(model.getName(), ['tableize', 'dasherize']).toLowerCase(),
pluralName: inflection.pluralize(model.getName()),
lowerCaseName: inflection.camelize(model.getName(), true),
properties: properties
[reservedKeys.jsonapi]: jsonapi,
[reservedKeys.links]: {
[reservedKeys.self]: prefix + uriTemplate.fillFromObject({
type: inflectType[originalType] ?
inflection.transform(originalType, typeInflections[1]) :
ids: originalIds, relatedField: reservedKeys.relationships,
relationship: inflectKeys ? inflection.transform(relatedField,
[ 'underscore', 'dasherize' ]) : relatedField
[reservedKeys.related]: prefix + uriTemplate.fillFromObject({
type: inflectType[originalType] ?
inflection.transform(originalType, typeInflections[1]) :
ids: originalIds,
relatedField: inflectKeys ? inflection.transform(relatedField,
[ 'underscore', 'dasherize' ]) : relatedField
const isArray = recordTypes[originalType][relatedField][keys.isArray]
const identifiers = => ({
[reservedKeys.type]: inflectType[type] ?
inflection.transform(type, typeInflections[1]) : type,
[]: record[keys.primary].toString()
output[reservedKeys.primary] = isArray ? identifiers :
identifiers.length ? identifiers[0] : null
contextResponse.payload = output