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const flags = vNode.flags;
const type = vNode.type;
const props = vNode.props || EMPTY_OBJ;
const children = vNode.children;
// Handles a component render
if ((flags & VNodeFlags.Component) > 0) {
const isClass = flags & VNodeFlags.ComponentClass;
// Render the
if (isClass) {
const instance = new type(props, context);
const hasNewAPI = Boolean(type.getDerivedStateFromProps);
instance.$BS = false;
instance.$SSR = true;
let childContext;
if (!isUndefined(instance.getChildContext)) {
childContext = instance.getChildContext();
if (!isNullOrUndef(childContext)) {
context = combineFrom(context, childContext);
if (instance.props === EMPTY_OBJ) {
instance.props = props;
instance.context = context;
// Trigger lifecycle hook
if (!hasNewAPI && isFunction(instance.componentWillMount)) {
instance.$BR = true;
const pending = instance.$PS;
if (pending) {
function parseTag(tag: string | null, props: any): string {
if (!tag) {
return "div";
const noId = props && isUndefined(;
const tagParts = tag.split(classIdSplit);
let tagName: null | string = null;
if (notClassId.test(tagParts[1])) {
tagName = "div";
let classes;
for (let i = 0, len = tagParts.length; i < len; i++) {
const part = tagParts[i];
if (!part) {
const type = part.charAt(0);
export function recycleComponent(vNode: VNode, lifecycle: LifecycleClass, context: Object, isSVG: boolean) {
const type = vNode.type as Function;
const pools: Pools|undefined = componentPools.get(type);
if (!isUndefined(pools)) {
const key = vNode.key;
const pool = key === null ? pools.nonKeyed : pools.keyed.get(key);
if (!isUndefined(pool)) {
const recycledVNode = pool.pop();
if (!isUndefined(recycledVNode)) {
const flags = vNode.flags;
const failed = patchComponent(
(flags & VNodeFlags.ComponentClass) > 0,
if (!failed) {
return vNode.dom;
export function recycleElement(vNode: VNode, lifecycle: LifecycleClass, context: Object, isSVG: boolean) {
const tag = vNode.type as string | null;
const pools: Pools|undefined = elementPools.get(tag);
if (!isUndefined(pools)) {
const key = vNode.key;
const pool = key === null ? pools.nonKeyed : pools.keyed.get(key);
if (!isUndefined(pool)) {
const recycledVNode = pool.pop();
if (!isUndefined(recycledVNode)) {
patchElement(recycledVNode, vNode, null, lifecycle, context, isSVG, true);
return vNode.dom;
return null;
const hooks = vNode.ref as Refs;
const nonRecycleHooks = hooks && (
hooks.onComponentWillMount ||
hooks.onComponentWillUnmount ||
hooks.onComponentDidMount ||
hooks.onComponentWillUpdate ||
if (nonRecycleHooks) {
const type = vNode.type;
const key = vNode.key;
let pools: Pools|undefined = componentPools.get(type as Function);
if (isUndefined(pools)) {
pools = {
keyed: new Map(),
nonKeyed: []
componentPools.set(type as Function, pools);
if (isNull(key)) {
} else {
let pool = pools.keyed.get(key);
if (isUndefined(pool)) {
pool = [];
pools.keyed.set(key, pool);
export function recycleElement(vNode: VNode, lifecycle: LifecycleClass, context: Object, isSVG: boolean) {
const tag = vNode.type as string | null;
const pools: Pools|undefined = elementPools.get(tag);
if (!isUndefined(pools)) {
const key = vNode.key;
const pool = key === null ? pools.nonKeyed : pools.keyed.get(key);
if (!isUndefined(pool)) {
const recycledVNode = pool.pop();
if (!isUndefined(recycledVNode)) {
patchElement(recycledVNode, vNode, null, lifecycle, context, isSVG, true);
return vNode.dom;
return null;
export function recycleElement(vNode: VNode, lifecycle: LifecycleClass, context: Object, isSVG: boolean) {
const tag = vNode.type as string | null;
const pools: Pools|undefined = elementPools.get(tag);
if (!isUndefined(pools)) {
const key = vNode.key;
const pool = key === null ? pools.nonKeyed : pools.keyed.get(key);
if (!isUndefined(pool)) {
const recycledVNode = pool.pop();
if (!isUndefined(recycledVNode)) {
patchElement(recycledVNode, vNode, null, lifecycle, context, isSVG, true);
return vNode.dom;
return null;
const key = vNode.key;
let pools: Pools|undefined = componentPools.get(type as Function);
if (isUndefined(pools)) {
pools = {
keyed: new Map(),
nonKeyed: []
componentPools.set(type as Function, pools);
if (isNull(key)) {
} else {
let pool = pools.keyed.get(key);
if (isUndefined(pool)) {
pool = [];
pools.keyed.set(key, pool);