How to use inferno-mobx - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few inferno-mobx examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github infernojs / inferno / packages / inferno-mobx / __tests__ / observer.spec.jsx View on Github external
it('does not views alive when using static rendering', () => {

    let renderCount = 0;
    const data = mobx.observable({
      z: 'hi'

    const TestComponent = observer(function testComponent() {
      return <div>{data.z}</div>;

    render(, container);


    data.z = 'hello';
    // no re-rendering on static rendering


github infernojs / inferno / packages / inferno-mobx / __tests__ / inject.spec.jsx View on Github external
it('using a custom injector is reactive', done =&gt; {
    const user = mobx.observable({ name: 'Noa' });
    const mapper = stores =&gt; ({ name: });
    const DisplayName = props =&gt; <h1>{}</h1>;
    const User = inject(mapper)(DisplayName);
    const App = () =&gt; (
    render(, container);

    expect(container.querySelector('h1').textContent).toBe('Noa'); = 'Veria';
  // TODO: fix this!
github infernojs / inferno / packages / inferno-mobx / __tests__ / generic.spec.jsx View on Github external
    class TodoView extends Component {
      render() {
        const { foo } = nullthrows(this.props.apiService);
        const { baz } = nullthrows(this.props.todoService);

        return (

    let Todo = inject('apiService', 'todoService')(observer(TodoView));

    // Legacy.
    Todo = observer(['apiService', 'todoService'])(TodoView);
    Todo = observer(['apiService', 'todoService'], TodoView);

    const services = {
      apiService: new ApiService(),
      todoService: new TodoService()

    const A = () =&gt; (
github infernojs / inferno / packages / inferno-mobx / __tests__ / observer.spec.jsx View on Github external
render(, container);


    data.z = 'hello';
    // no re-rendering on static rendering



    expect(getDNode(data, 'z').observers.length).toBe(0);

github nightwolfz / inferno-starter / src / pages / Todos.js View on Github external
render({ todos }) {
        return <main>

// Render each item
const TodoItemWrapper = connect(props =&gt; (
        { =&gt; )}

export default Todos
github nightwolfz / inferno-starter / src / pages / Logout.js View on Github external
import Inferno from 'inferno'
import Component from 'inferno-component'
import { connect } from 'inferno-mobx'
import Loading from '../components/common/Loading'

class Logout extends Component {

  // When route is loaded (isomorphic)
  static onEnter({ state }) {
    state.common.title = 'Logout'

  state = {
    loading: false

  handleLogout = () => {
    const { store } = this.props
    const { router } = this.context

github nightwolfz / inferno-starter / src / pages / Login.js View on Github external
import Inferno from 'inferno'
import Component from 'inferno-component'
import { connect } from 'inferno-mobx'
import Loading from '../components/common/Loading'
import Error from '../components/common/Error'

@connect(['state', 'store'])
class Login extends Component {

  // When route is loaded (isomorphic)
  static onEnter({ state }) {
    state.common.title = 'Login'

  state = {
    username: '',
    password: '',
    loading: false,
    error: null

  handleChange = (e) => {
github nightwolfz / inferno-starter / src / pages / Home.js View on Github external
import Inferno from 'inferno'
import Component from 'inferno-component'
import { connect } from 'inferno-mobx'
import AddTodo from '../components/home/AddTodo'
import Todo from '../components/home/Todo'

@connect(['state', 'store'])
class Home extends Component {

  // When route is loaded (isomorphic)
  static async onEnter({ state, store }, params) {
    state.common.title = 'Home'
    await store.todos.browse()

  render({ state }) {
    return (
github nightwolfz / inferno-starter / src / pages / Register.js View on Github external
import Inferno from 'inferno'
import Component from 'inferno-component'
import { connect } from 'inferno-mobx'
import Error from '../components/common/Error'

@connect(['state', 'store'])
class Register extends Component {

  // When route is loaded (isomorphic)
  static onEnter({ state }) {
    state.common.title = 'Register'

  state = {
    username: '',
    password: '',
    errorMsg: null,
    loading: false

  handleChange = (key) => (e) => {
    this.setState({ [key]: })
github nightwolfz / inferno-starter / src / pages / Todos.js View on Github external
import Inferno from 'inferno'
import Component from 'inferno-component'
import { connect } from 'inferno-mobx'
import TodoAdd from '../components/todos/TodoAdd'
import TodoItem from '../components/todos/TodoItem'

class Todos extends Component {

    // When route is loaded (isomorphic)
    static onEnter({ todos, common, params }) {
        common.title = 'Home'
        return todos.browse()

    render({ todos }) {
        return <main>


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