How to use import-from - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few import-from examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github react-cosmos / react-cosmos / packages / react-cosmos / src / server / web / export.js View on Github external
export async function generateExport() {
  const cosmosConfig = getCosmosConfig();
  const { rootPath, outputPath, publicPath, publicUrl } = cosmosConfig;

  const webpack = silentImport(rootPath, 'webpack');
  if (!webpack) {
    console.warn('[Cosmos] webpack dependency missing!');
    console.log('Install using "yarn add webpack" or "npm install webpack"');

  const userWebpackConfig = getUserWebpackConfig(cosmosConfig);
  const loaderWebpackConfig = enhanceWebpackConfig({
    shouldExport: true

  // Copy static files first, so that the built index.html overrides the its
  // template file (in case the static assets are served from the root path)
  if (publicPath) {
github react-cosmos / react-cosmos / packages / react-cosmos / src / server / web / webpack / enhance-webpack-config.js View on Github external
NODE_ENV: JSON.stringify(shouldExport ? 'production' : 'development'),
        PUBLIC_URL: JSON.stringify(removeTrailingSlash(publicUrl))
    new webpack.DefinePlugin({
      COSMOS_CONFIG: JSON.stringify({
        // Config options that are available inside the client bundle. Warning:
        // Must be serializable!

  if (!alreadyHasPlugin(webpackConfig, 'HtmlWebpackPlugin')) {
    const HtmlWebpackPlugin = silentImport(rootPath, 'html-webpack-plugin');

    if (HtmlWebpackPlugin) {
      plugins = [
        new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
          title: 'React Cosmos',
          filename: '_loader.html'

  if (hot && !shouldExport) {
    if (!alreadyHasPlugin(webpackConfig, 'HotModuleReplacementPlugin')) {
      plugins = [...plugins, new webpack.HotModuleReplacementPlugin()];
github react-cosmos / react-cosmos / packages / react-cosmos / src / server / web / webpack / default-webpack-config.js View on Github external
// React.componentDidCatch
    devtool: 'cheap-module-source-map',
    resolve: {
      // Warning: webpack 1.x expects ['', '.js', '.jsx']
      extensions: ['.js', '.jsx']
    module: {
      // Note: `module.rules` only works with webpack >=2.x. For 1.x
      // compatibility a custom webpack config (with module.loaders) is required

  // Add mode option for webpack 4+
  const webpack = silentImport(rootPath, 'webpack');

  if (webpack.version && parseInt(webpack.version, 10) >= 4) {
    // Disallow non dev/prod environments, like "test" inside Jest, because
    // they are not supported by webpack
    const mode =
      process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? 'production' : 'development';

    config = {
      optimization: {
        // Cosmos reads component names at run-time, so it is crucial to not
        // minify even when building with production env (ie. when exporting)
        minimize: false
github react-cosmos / react-cosmos / packages / react-cosmos / src / plugins / webpack / shared.ts View on Github external
export function getWebpack(rootDir: string) {
  const userWebpack = importFrom.silent(rootDir, 'webpack');
  if (!userWebpack) {
    console.warn('[Cosmos] webpack dependency missing!');
      'Install using "yarn add --dev webpack" or "npm install --save-dev webpack"'

  return userWebpack;
github react-cosmos / react-cosmos / packages / react-cosmos / src / server / web / start.js View on Github external
console.log(`[Cosmos] Nice! You're using ${generatedConfigFor}`);
      console.log('[Cosmos] Generated a tailored config file for your setup');

  const cosmosConfig = getCosmosConfig();
  const { next, rootPath, publicUrl } = cosmosConfig;

  if (cosmosConfig.proxies) {
    console.warn('[Cosmos] Warning: config.proxies is deprecated!');
      'Please check latest proxy docs:'

  const webpack = silentImport(rootPath, 'webpack');
  if (!webpack) {
    console.warn('[Cosmos] webpack dependency missing!');
    console.log('Install using "yarn add webpack" or "npm install webpack"');

    return () => {};

  const userWebpackConfig = getUserWebpackConfig(cosmosConfig);
  const app = createServerApp({
    playgroundOpts: getPlaygroundOpts(cosmosConfig)
  const { server, startServer, stopServer } = createServer(cosmosConfig, app);

  const publicPath = getPublicPath(cosmosConfig, userWebpackConfig);
  if (publicPath) {
github dotansimha / graphql-code-generator / packages / utils / plugins-helpers / src / resolve-external-module-and-fn.ts View on Github external
export function resolveExternalModuleAndFn(pointer: any): any {
  if (typeof pointer === 'function') {
    return pointer;

  const patternArr = pointer.split('#');
  const moduleName = patternArr[0];
  const functionName = patternArr[1];
  const localFilePath = path.resolve(process.cwd(), moduleName);
  const localFileExists = fs.existsSync(localFilePath);
  const loadedModule = localFileExists ? require(localFilePath) : importFrom(process.cwd(), moduleName);

  if (!(functionName in loadedModule)) {
    throw new Error(`${functionName} couldn't be found in module ${moduleName}!`);

  return loadedModule[functionName];
github wix / haste / packages / haste-cli / src / utils.js View on Github external
module.exports.loadConfig = (appDirectory) => {
  const packageJson = importFrom.silent(appDirectory, './package.json');

  if (!packageJson) {
    return null;

  const { haste } = packageJson;

  if (!haste) {
    return null;

  return haste;
github react-cosmos / react-cosmos / packages / react-cosmos / src / plugins / webpack / webpackConfig / htmlPlugin.ts View on Github external
export function getHtmlWebpackPlugin(rootDir: string) {
  return importFrom.silent(
github marp-team / marp-cli / src / engine.ts View on Github external
;(Array.isArray(engine) ? engine : [engine]).some(eng => {
      if (typeof eng === 'string') {
        resolved =
          (from && importFrom.silent(path.dirname(path.resolve(from)), eng)) ||
          importFrom.silent(process.cwd(), eng)

        if (resolved?.__esModule) resolved = resolved.default
      } else {
        resolved = eng
      return resolved
github sindresorhus / atom-esformatter / index.js View on Github external
allowUnsafeNewFunction(() => {
		esformatter = importFrom.silent(path.dirname(fp), 'esformatter') || require('esformatter');


Import a module like with `require()` but from a given path

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Popular import-from functions