How to use the immer.applyPatches function in immer

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few immer examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github axisgroup / RxQ / src / session.js View on Github external
                  const arrayPath = patch.path.split("/").filter(s => s !== "");
                  return {
                    path: [key, ...arrayPath]

                return [...acc, ...transformedPatches];
              }, []);
              return {
                response: {
                  result: applyPatches(acc.response.result, patches)
github google / perfetto / ui / src / frontend / index.ts View on Github external
patchState(patches: Patch[]) {
    const oldState = globals.state;
    globals.state = applyPatches(globals.state, patches);

    // If the visible time in the global state has been updated more recently
    // than the visible time handled by the frontend @ 60fps, update it. This
    // typically happens when restoring the state from a permalink.

    // Only redraw if something other than the frontendLocalState changed.
    for (const key in globals.state) {
      if (key !== 'frontendLocalState' && key !== 'visibleTracks' &&
          oldState[key] !== globals.state[key]) {
github r6db / app / src / renderer / lib / state.ts View on Github external
ipcRenderer.addListener('patch', (_, patches) => {
    appstate = applyPatches(appstate, patches);
    console.trace('patch', patches, appstate);
github davidkpiano / xstate / packages / xstate-immer / src / index.ts View on Github external
return xstateAssign((context, event) => {
    const [, patches] = event.patches;

    return applyPatches(context, patches);
github tuoxiansp / vision / packages / core / src / Data.ts View on Github external
redo() {
        const patches = this.patchesStack[this.hadInversedPatchesStack.length - 1]
        this.value = applyPatches(this.value, patches)

        return this
github stone-payments / pos-mamba-sdk / packages / pos / simulator / plugins / registry / includes / persistent.js View on Github external
set(fn) {
        if (typeof fn === 'function') {
          const changes = [];
          const persistentData = Registry.persistent.get();

          produce(persistentData, fn, patches => {

            JSON.stringify(applyPatches(persistentData, changes)),

'persistentDataChanged', changes);
github PolymerLabs / actor-boilerplate / src / actors / adapters / preact / index.tsx View on Github external
[PubSubMessageType.PUBLISH](msg: PublishMessage) {
    this.state = applyPatches(this.state, msg.payload as Patch[]);
github MynockSpit / no-boilerplate-redux / src / default-reducer.js View on Github external
export function nbprReducer(state = {}, { meta, payload }) {
  let returnState = state

  if (meta.nbpr === 'UPDATE') {
    if (state === undefined || state === null) {
      returnState = {}

    returnState = applyPatches(returnState, payload)
  } else if (meta.nbpr === 'REPLACE') {
    returnState = payload

  return returnState
github tuoxiansp / vision / packages / core / src / Data.ts View on Github external
undo() {
        const patches = this.inversePatchesStack.shift()
        this.value = applyPatches(this.value, patches)

        return this


Create your next immutable state by mutating the current one

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