How to use idyll-ast - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few idyll-ast examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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} from "idyll-ast";

const ast: AST = [
    ["h2", [], []],
    ["h1", [], ["child1", ["child2", [], []]]]
const prop: Property = ["className", ["value", "hello"]];

// $ExpectType Node[] || AST
appendNode(ast, "hello");

// $ExpectType Node[] || AST
appendNode(getNodesByName(ast, "div"), "test");

// $ExpectType Node[] || AST
appendNodes(ast, [["strong", [], ["div", ["pre", [], []]]], "test"]);

// $ExpectType Node[] || AST
prependNode(getNodesByName(ast, "div"), "test");

// $ExpectType Node[] || AST
prependNodes(ast, [["strong", [], ["div", ["pre", [], []]]], "test"]);

// $ExpectType TreeNode
createNode("div", { prop1: "prop1", prop2: ["expression", "x=2"] }, []);
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} from "idyll-ast";

const ast: AST = [
    ["h2", [], []],
    ["h1", [], ["child1", ["child2", [], []]]]
const prop: Property = ["className", ["value", "hello"]];

// $ExpectType Node[] || AST
appendNode(ast, "hello");

// $ExpectType Node[] || AST
appendNode(getNodesByName(ast, "div"), "test");

// $ExpectType Node[] || AST
appendNodes(ast, [["strong", [], ["div", ["pre", [], []]]], "test"]);

// $ExpectType Node[] || AST
prependNode(getNodesByName(ast, "div"), "test");

// $ExpectType Node[] || AST
prependNodes(ast, [["strong", [], ["div", ["pre", [], []]]], "test"]);

// $ExpectType TreeNode
createNode("div", { prop1: "prop1", prop2: ["expression", "x=2"] }, []);

// $ExpectType Node[]
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appendNode(ast, "hello");

// $ExpectType Node[] || AST
appendNode(getNodesByName(ast, "div"), "test");

// $ExpectType Node[] || AST
appendNodes(ast, [["strong", [], ["div", ["pre", [], []]]], "test"]);

// $ExpectType Node[] || AST
prependNode(getNodesByName(ast, "div"), "test");

// $ExpectType Node[] || AST
prependNodes(ast, [["strong", [], ["div", ["pre", [], []]]], "test"]);

// $ExpectType TreeNode
createNode("div", { prop1: "prop1", prop2: ["expression", "x=2"] }, []);

// $ExpectType Node[]

// $ExpectType void
walkNodes(ast, (n: Node) => {
    (n as TreeNode)[0] = "funky-name";

// $ExpectType Node[]
findNodes(ast, n => n instanceof Array);

// $ExpectType Node
modifyChildren(ast[0], (n: Node) => {
    if (typeof n === "object") {
        n[0] = "somename";
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// $ExpectType void
walkNodes(ast, (n: Node) => {
    (n as TreeNode)[0] = "funky-name";

// $ExpectType Node[]
findNodes(ast, n => n instanceof Array);

// $ExpectType Node
modifyChildren(ast[0], (n: Node) => {
    if (typeof n === "object") {
        n[0] = "somename";
// $ExpectType Node[]
getNodesByName(ast, "h1");

// $ExpectType Node
filterChildren(ast[1], n => n === "world");

// $ExpectType Node[] || AST
filterNodes(ast, n => (n instanceof Object ? n[0] === "h1" : false));

// $ExpectType Node[] || AST
modifyNodesByName(ast, "h2", n => {
    typeof n === "object" ? (n[1] = []) : undefined;

// $ExpectType [PropType, PropData] | null || PropValue | null
getProperty(ast[1], "someProp");
// $ExpectType [string, [PropType, PropData]] || Property
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    ["h1", [], ["child1", ["child2", [], []]]]
const prop: Property = ["className", ["value", "hello"]];

// $ExpectType Node[] || AST
appendNode(ast, "hello");

// $ExpectType Node[] || AST
appendNode(getNodesByName(ast, "div"), "test");

// $ExpectType Node[] || AST
appendNodes(ast, [["strong", [], ["div", ["pre", [], []]]], "test"]);

// $ExpectType Node[] || AST
prependNode(getNodesByName(ast, "div"), "test");

// $ExpectType Node[] || AST
prependNodes(ast, [["strong", [], ["div", ["pre", [], []]]], "test"]);

// $ExpectType TreeNode
createNode("div", { prop1: "prop1", prop2: ["expression", "x=2"] }, []);

// $ExpectType Node[]

// $ExpectType void
walkNodes(ast, (n: Node) => {
    (n as TreeNode)[0] = "funky-name";

// $ExpectType Node[]
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// $ExpectType Node[]
getNodesByName(ast, "h1");

// $ExpectType Node
filterChildren(ast[1], n => n === "world");

// $ExpectType Node[] || AST
filterNodes(ast, n => (n instanceof Object ? n[0] === "h1" : false));

// $ExpectType Node[] || AST
modifyNodesByName(ast, "h2", n => {
    typeof n === "object" ? (n[1] = []) : undefined;

// $ExpectType [PropType, PropData] | null || PropValue | null
getProperty(ast[1], "someProp");
// $ExpectType [string, [PropType, PropData]] || Property
// $ExpectType [string, [PropType, PropData]][] || Property[]
getPropertiesByType(["h1", [], []], "variable");

// $ExpectType Node[] || AST
removeNodesByName(ast, "h1");

// $ExpectType Node
setProperty(ast[0], "prop", 9);

// $ExpectType Node
setProperties(ast[1], { prop1: ["expression", "x"], prop2: 3 });

// $ExpectType Node
removeProperty(ast[0], "prop1");
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appendNode(getNodesByName(ast, "div"), "test");

// $ExpectType Node[] || AST
appendNodes(ast, [["strong", [], ["div", ["pre", [], []]]], "test"]);

// $ExpectType Node[] || AST
prependNode(getNodesByName(ast, "div"), "test");

// $ExpectType Node[] || AST
prependNodes(ast, [["strong", [], ["div", ["pre", [], []]]], "test"]);

// $ExpectType TreeNode
createNode("div", { prop1: "prop1", prop2: ["expression", "x=2"] }, []);

// $ExpectType Node[]

// $ExpectType void
walkNodes(ast, (n: Node) => {
    (n as TreeNode)[0] = "funky-name";

// $ExpectType Node[]
findNodes(ast, n => n instanceof Array);

// $ExpectType Node
modifyChildren(ast[0], (n: Node) => {
    if (typeof n === "object") {
        n[0] = "somename";
// $ExpectType Node[]
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// $ExpectType Node
filterChildren(ast[1], n => n === "world");

// $ExpectType Node[] || AST
filterNodes(ast, n => (n instanceof Object ? n[0] === "h1" : false));

// $ExpectType Node[] || AST
modifyNodesByName(ast, "h2", n => {
    typeof n === "object" ? (n[1] = []) : undefined;

// $ExpectType [PropType, PropData] | null || PropValue | null
getProperty(ast[1], "someProp");
// $ExpectType [string, [PropType, PropData]] || Property
// $ExpectType [string, [PropType, PropData]][] || Property[]
getPropertiesByType(["h1", [], []], "variable");

// $ExpectType Node[] || AST
removeNodesByName(ast, "h1");

// $ExpectType Node
setProperty(ast[0], "prop", 9);

// $ExpectType Node
setProperties(ast[1], { prop1: ["expression", "x"], prop2: 3 });

// $ExpectType Node
removeProperty(ast[0], "prop1");
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filterNodes(ast, n => (n instanceof Object ? n[0] === "h1" : false));

// $ExpectType Node[] || AST
modifyNodesByName(ast, "h2", n => {
    typeof n === "object" ? (n[1] = []) : undefined;

// $ExpectType [PropType, PropData] | null || PropValue | null
getProperty(ast[1], "someProp");
// $ExpectType [string, [PropType, PropData]] || Property
// $ExpectType [string, [PropType, PropData]][] || Property[]
getPropertiesByType(["h1", [], []], "variable");

// $ExpectType Node[] || AST
removeNodesByName(ast, "h1");

// $ExpectType Node
setProperty(ast[0], "prop", 9);

// $ExpectType Node
setProperties(ast[1], { prop1: ["expression", "x"], prop2: 3 });

// $ExpectType Node
removeProperty(ast[0], "prop1");
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modifyNodesByName(ast, "h2", n => {
    typeof n === "object" ? (n[1] = []) : undefined;

// $ExpectType [PropType, PropData] | null || PropValue | null
getProperty(ast[1], "someProp");
// $ExpectType [string, [PropType, PropData]] || Property
// $ExpectType [string, [PropType, PropData]][] || Property[]
getPropertiesByType(["h1", [], []], "variable");

// $ExpectType Node[] || AST
removeNodesByName(ast, "h1");

// $ExpectType Node
setProperty(ast[0], "prop", 9);

// $ExpectType Node
setProperties(ast[1], { prop1: ["expression", "x"], prop2: 3 });

// $ExpectType Node
removeProperty(ast[0], "prop1");