How to use the hubot.Robot function in hubot

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few hubot examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github lmarkus / hubot-conversation / test / unit / index.js View on Github external
 * Created by lmarkus on 9/30/15.
/*eslint max-nested-callbacks:[0]*/
'use strict';

var hubot = require('hubot'),
    Robot = hubot.Robot,
    Message = hubot.TextMessage,
    utils = require('../utils'),
    assert = require('chai').assert,
    Conversation = require('../../'),
    c = require('../../lib/constants'),
    Dialog = require('../../lib/Dialog'),
    testUser = new hubot.User('Lenny', {room: 'The Lounge'})

describe('#Hubot Conversation', function () {
    var bot, switchBoard, messenger, messages;

    beforeEach(function () {
        //reset the bot;
        bot = new Robot('hubot/src/adapters', 'shell');
        switchBoard = new Conversation(bot);