How to use the howler.iOSAutoEnable function in howler

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github avgjs / avg-core / src / classes / SoundManager.js View on Github external

/* eslint-disable */
import core from 'core/core';

const Howler = require('howler');

const logger = core.getLogger('SoundManager');

/* By default, audio on iOS is locked until a sound is played within a user interaction,
* and then it plays normally the rest of the page session (Apple documentation).
* The default behavior of howler.js is to attempt to silently unlock audio playback by
* playing an empty buffer on the first touchend event.
* This behavior can be disabled by calling:
Howler.iOSAutoEnable = false;

let Channels = [],
    Resolve = [];

export function getChannel(index) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    const ch = Channels[index];

    if (ch) { resolve(ch); } else {
      logger.error(`Channel ${ch} hasn't been initialed. Call .load() first.`);

export function setChannel(index, options) {