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array = [1, 2, 3];
let newObject = Hoek.mapToObject(array); // results in {"1": true, "2": true, "3": true}
array1 = [{ id: 1 }, { id: 2 }];
newObject = Hoek.mapToObject(array1, "id"); // results in {"1": true, "2": true}
// intersect(array1, array2)
array = [1, 2, 3];
let array2 = [1, 4, 5];
let newArray2 = Hoek.intersect(array, array2); // results in [1]
// contain(ref, values, [options])
Hoek.contain('aaa', 'a', { only: true }); // true
Hoek.contain([{ a: 1 }], [{ a: 1 }], { deep: true }); // true
Hoek.contain([1, 2, 2], [1, 2], { once: true }); // false
Hoek.contain({ a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 }, { a: 1, d: 4 }, { part: true }); // true
// flatten(array, [target])
let array3 = [1, [2, 3]];
let flattenedArray = Hoek.flatten(array); // results in [1, 2, 3]
array3 = [1, [2, 3]];
let target1 = [4, [5]];
flattenedArray = Hoek.flatten(array3, target1); // results in [4, [5], 1, 2, 3]
// reach(obj, chain, [options])
_write (_data, encoding, cb) {
let {tags = [], data = {}} = _data
// Don't report logs without error or message
if (!data.error && !data.message) return cb()
// Normalize event tags - if its a string then wrap in an array, default to an empty array
if (typeof tags === 'string') tags = [tags]
// Log level
let level = 'debug'
if (hoek.contain(tags, ['fatal'], {part: true})) {
level = 'fatal'
} else if (hoek.contain(tags, ['err', 'error'], {part: true})) {
level = 'error'
} else if (hoek.contain(tags, ['warn', 'warning'], {part: true})) {
level = 'warning'
} else if (hoek.contain(tags, ['info'], {part: true})) {
level = 'info'
// Filter-out level tags and keep others
// Then convert array to mapping for sentry api compatibility
let sentry_tags = tags.filter(
tag => ['fatal', 'error', 'err', 'warning', 'warn', 'info', 'debug'].indexOf(tag) === -1
).reduce((acc, curr) => {
let split = curr.split(':', 2)
acc[split[0]] = split[1] || true
return acc
}, {})
// Additional data
ip(ipOptions = {}) {
let regex = internals.ipRegex;
Hoek.assert(typeof ipOptions === 'object', 'options must be an object');
if (ipOptions.cidr) {
Hoek.assert(typeof ipOptions.cidr === 'string', 'cidr must be a string');
ipOptions.cidr = ipOptions.cidr.toLowerCase();
Hoek.assert(Hoek.contain(internals.cidrPresences, ipOptions.cidr), 'cidr must be one of ' + internals.cidrPresences.join(', '));
// If we only received a `cidr` setting, create a regex for it. But we don't need to create one if `cidr` is "optional" since that is the default
if (!ipOptions.version && ipOptions.cidr !== 'optional') {
regex = Ip.createIpRegex(['ipv4', 'ipv6', 'ipvfuture'], ipOptions.cidr);
else {
// Set our default cidr strategy
ipOptions.cidr = 'optional';
let versions;
if (ipOptions.version) {
if (!Array.isArray(ipOptions.version)) {
ipOptions.version = [ipOptions.version];
ip(ipOptions) {
let regex = internals.ipRegex;
ipOptions = ipOptions || {};
Hoek.assert(typeof ipOptions === 'object', 'options must be an object');
if (ipOptions.cidr) {
Hoek.assert(typeof ipOptions.cidr === 'string', 'cidr must be a string');
ipOptions.cidr = ipOptions.cidr.toLowerCase();
Hoek.assert(Hoek.contain(internals.cidrPresences, ipOptions.cidr), 'cidr must be one of ' + internals.cidrPresences.join(', '));
// If we only received a `cidr` setting, create a regex for it. But we don't need to create one if `cidr` is "optional" since that is the default
if (!ipOptions.version && ipOptions.cidr !== 'optional') {
regex = Ip.createIpRegex(['ipv4', 'ipv6', 'ipvfuture'], ipOptions.cidr);
else {
// Set our default cidr strategy
ipOptions.cidr = 'optional';
let versions;
if (ipOptions.version) {
if (!Array.isArray(ipOptions.version)) {
ipOptions.version = [ipOptions.version];
async trigger(event, resource) {
Hoek.assert(Hoek.contain(, event), new Error(`WebhookService:trigger - ${event} is an invalid event`));
if (!webhookConfig) return; // webhooks disabled
try {
// get the webhooks for this event
const webhookCollection = await bookshelf.model('webhook')
.query(q => {
q.join('SIP_webhook_event', '', '=', 'SIP_webhook_event.webhook_id');
q.where('SIP_webhook_event.event', event);
}).fetchAll({withRelated: 'client'});
// enqueue the webhook payload for each webhook
webhookCollection.forEach(webhook => {
const client = webhook.related('client');
url: webhook.get('url'),
normalize(form = 'NFC') {
Hoek.assert(Hoek.contain(internals.normalizationForms, form), 'normalization form must be one of ' + internals.normalizationForms.join(', '));
const obj = this._test('normalize', form, function (value, state, options) {
if (options.convert ||
value === value.normalize(form)) {
return value;
return this.createError('string.normalize', { value, form }, state, options);
obj._flags.normalize = form;
return obj;
normalize(form = 'NFC') {
Hoek.assert(Hoek.contain(internals.normalizationForms, form), 'normalization form must be one of ' + internals.normalizationForms.join(', '));
const obj = this._test('normalize', form, function (value, state, options) {
if (options.convert ||
value === value.normalize(form)) {
return value;
return this.createError('string.normalize', { value, form }, state, options);
obj._flags.normalize = form;
return obj;
level: ((tags = []) => {
if (hoek.contain(tags, ['fatal'], { part: true })) {
return 'fatal';
if (hoek.contain(tags, ['err', 'error'], { part: true })) {
return 'error';
if (hoek.contain(tags, ['warn', 'warning'], { part: true })) {
return 'warning';
if (hoek.contain(tags, ['info'], { part: true })) {
return 'info';
return 'debug';
tags: tags
internals.addMethod(['include', 'includes', 'contain', 'contains'], function (value) {
return this.assert(Hoek.contain(this._ref, value, this._flags), 'include ' + internals.display(value));
server.ext('onRequest', (request, reply) => {
//First check for custom header
let requestedVersion = _extractVersionFromCustomHeader(request, options);
//If no version check accept header
if (!requestedVersion) {
requestedVersion = _extractVersionFromAcceptHeader(request, options);
//If passive mode skips the rest for non versioned routes
if (options.passiveMode === true && !requestedVersion) {
return reply.continue();
//If there was a version by now check if it is valid
if (requestedVersion && !Hoek.contain(options.validVersions, requestedVersion)) {
return reply(
'Invalid api-version! Valid values: ' + options.validVersions.join()
//If there was no version by now use the default version
if (!requestedVersion) {
requestedVersion = options.defaultVersion;
const versionedPath =
options.basePath +
'v' +
requestedVersion +