How to use hexo-front-matter - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few hexo-front-matter examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github LouisBarranqueiro / hexo-algoliasearch / lib / initPost.js View on Github external
function initPost(post) {
  var cuid = require('cuid');
  var chalk = require('chalk');
  var green =;
  var magenta = chalk.magenta;
  var red =;
  var fs = require('fs');
  var frontMatter = require('hexo-front-matter');
  var id = cuid();
  /* eslint-disable camelcase */
  var filepath = post.full_source || post.path;
  /* eslint-enable camelcase */
  var file = fs.readFileSync(filepath, 'utf-8');
  var data = frontMatter.parse(file);
  /* eslint-disable camelcase */
  data.algolia_object_id = id;
  post.algolia_object_id = id;
  /* eslint-enable camelcase */

  try {
    fs.writeFileSync(filepath, frontMatter.stringify(data), 'utf-8');
    console.log(green('INFO  ') + 'Initialized: ' + magenta(post.path));
    return post;
  catch (err) {
    console.log(red('ERROR  ') + 'Can\'t initialize ' + post.path + ' - ' + err);
github jaredly / hexo-admin / update.js View on Github external
module.exports = function (model, id, update, callback, hexo) {
  function removeExtname(str) {
    return str.substring(0, str.length - path.extname(str).length);
  var post = hexo.model(model).get(id)
  if (!post) {
    return callback('Post not found');
  var config = hexo.config,
    slug = post.slug = hfm.escape(post.slug || post.title, config.filename_case),
    layout = post.layout = (post.layout || config.default_layout).toLowerCase(),
    date = = ? moment( : moment();

  var split = hfm.split(post.raw),
    frontMatter =
    compiled = hfm.parse([frontMatter, '---', split.content].join('\n'));

  var preservedKeys = ['title', 'date', 'tags', 'categories', '_content', 'author'];
  Object.keys(hexo.config.metadata || {}).forEach(function (key) {
  var prev_full = post.full_source,
    full_source = prev_full;
  if (update.source && update.source !== post.source) {
    // post.full_source only readable ~ see: /hexo/lib/models/post.js
    full_source = hexo.source_dir + update.source

  preservedKeys.forEach(function (attr) {
    if (attr in update) {
      compiled[attr] = update[attr]
github 52cik / hexo-admin-cn / update.js View on Github external
module.exports = function (model, id, update, callback, hexo) {
  var post = hexo.model(model).get(id)
  if (!post) {
    return callback('Post not found');
  var config = hexo.config,
    slug = post.slug = hfm.escape(post.slug || post.title, config.filename_case),
    layout = post.layout = (post.layout || config.default_layout).toLowerCase(),
    date = = ? moment( : moment();

  var split = hfm.split(post.raw),
    frontMatter =
    compiled = hfm.parse([frontMatter, '---', split.content].join('\n'));

  var preservedKeys = ['title', 'date', 'tags', 'categories', '_content', 'keywords', 'description'];
  var prev_full = post.full_source,
    full_source = prev_full;
  if (update.source && update.source !== post.source) {
    // post.full_source only readable ~ see: /hexo/lib/models/post.js
    full_source = hexo.source_dir + update.source

  preservedKeys.forEach(function (attr) {
    if (attr in update) {
      compiled[attr] = update[attr]
  }); = moment(
github LouisBarranqueiro / hexo-algoliasearch / lib / initPosts.js View on Github external
async.forEach(filenames, function(filename, cb) {
      try {
        file = fs.readFileSync(filename, 'utf-8');
        data = frontMatter.parse(file);
        if (data.algolia_object_id) {
        else {
          /* eslint-disable camelcase */
          data.algolia_object_id = cuid();
          /* eslint-enable camelcase */
          fs.writeFileSync(filename, frontMatter.stringify(data));
          console.log('Initialized: ') + chalk.magenta(path.basename(filename)));
      catch (err) {
        console.log('Can\'t process ' + filename + ' file : ' + err));
github xu-song / hexo-auto-category / lib / logic.js View on Github external
let logic = function(data) {
    var log = this.log;

    if (data.layout != 'post')
        return data;
    if (!this.config.render_drafts && data.source.startsWith("_drafts/"))
        return data;

    var overwrite = true;
    if (this.config.auto_category.enable && overwrite) {
        let postStr;
        // 1. parse front matter
        var tmpPost = front.parse(data.raw);
        // 2. read old categories
        // 3. generate categories from directory
        // var categories = data.slug.split('/');
        var categories = data.source.split('/');
        // 3.1 handle depth
        var depth = this.config.auto_category.depth || categories.length-2;
        if (depth==0) { // Uncategorized
            //tmpPost.categories = ["Uncategorized"];
            return data;
        var newCategories = categories.slice(1, 1+Math.min(depth, categories.length-2));
        // 3.2 prevents duplicate file changes
        if (Array.isArray(tmpPost.categories) && (tmpPost.categories.join("_") == newCategories.join("_"))) return data;
        tmpPost.categories = newCategories
github redbrick / static-site / lib / emailNewPosts.js View on Github external
.map((post, index) => ({
              // cut out front matter and surrounding whitespace
              contents: post.replace(/---[\w\W]*---/, '').trim(),

              frontMatter: parseFrontMatter(post),

              // get filename without parent directory and without '.md'
              slug: postFilenames[index].split('/').slice(-1)[0].slice(0, -3),
            .filter(({ frontMatter }) => {
github xu-song / hexo-auto-category / lib / logic.js View on Github external
// 3. generate categories from directory
        // var categories = data.slug.split('/');
        var categories = data.source.split('/');
        // 3.1 handle depth
        var depth = this.config.auto_category.depth || categories.length-2;
        if (depth==0) { // Uncategorized
            //tmpPost.categories = ["Uncategorized"];
            return data;
        var newCategories = categories.slice(1, 1+Math.min(depth, categories.length-2));
        // 3.2 prevents duplicate file changes
        if (Array.isArray(tmpPost.categories) && (tmpPost.categories.join("_") == newCategories.join("_"))) return data;
        tmpPost.categories = newCategories

        // 4. process post
        postStr = front.stringify(tmpPost);
        postStr = '---\n' + postStr;
        fs.writeFile(data.full_source, postStr, 'utf-8');
        log.i("Generated: categories [%s] for post [%s]", tmpPost.categories, categories[categories.length-1]);
    return data
github LouisBarranqueiro / hexo-algoliasearch / lib / initPost.js View on Github external
var fs = require('fs');
  var frontMatter = require('hexo-front-matter');
  var id = cuid();
  /* eslint-disable camelcase */
  var filepath = post.full_source || post.path;
  /* eslint-enable camelcase */
  var file = fs.readFileSync(filepath, 'utf-8');
  var data = frontMatter.parse(file);
  /* eslint-disable camelcase */
  data.algolia_object_id = id;
  post.algolia_object_id = id;
  /* eslint-enable camelcase */

  try {
    fs.writeFileSync(filepath, frontMatter.stringify(data), 'utf-8');
    console.log(green('INFO  ') + 'Initialized: ' + magenta(post.path));
    return post;
  catch (err) {
    console.log(red('ERROR  ') + 'Can\'t initialize ' + post.path + ' - ' + err);
github LouisBarranqueiro / hexo-algoliasearch / lib / initPosts.js View on Github external
async.forEach(filenames, function(filename, cb) {
      try {
        file = fs.readFileSync(filename, 'utf-8');
        data = frontMatter.parse(file);
        if (data.algolia_object_id) {
        else {
          /* eslint-disable camelcase */
          data.algolia_object_id = cuid();
          /* eslint-enable camelcase */
          fs.writeFileSync(filename, frontMatter.stringify(data));
          console.log('Initialized: ') + chalk.magenta(path.basename(filename)));
      catch (err) {
        console.log('Can\'t process ' + filename + ' file : ' + err));
    }, function(err) {
      if (err) {
github 52cik / hexo-admin-cn / update.js View on Github external
module.exports = function (model, id, update, callback, hexo) {
  var post = hexo.model(model).get(id)
  if (!post) {
    return callback('Post not found');
  var config = hexo.config,
    slug = post.slug = hfm.escape(post.slug || post.title, config.filename_case),
    layout = post.layout = (post.layout || config.default_layout).toLowerCase(),
    date = = ? moment( : moment();

  var split = hfm.split(post.raw),
    frontMatter =
    compiled = hfm.parse([frontMatter, '---', split.content].join('\n'));

  var preservedKeys = ['title', 'date', 'tags', 'categories', '_content', 'keywords', 'description'];
  var prev_full = post.full_source,
    full_source = prev_full;
  if (update.source && update.source !== post.source) {
    // post.full_source only readable ~ see: /hexo/lib/models/post.js
    full_source = hexo.source_dir + update.source

  preservedKeys.forEach(function (attr) {


Front-matter parser.

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