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function * run (context, heroku) {
let auth = yield cli.action('Rotating OAuth Authorization', heroku.request({
method: 'POST',
path: `/oauth/authorizations/${encodeURIComponent(}/actions/regenerate-tokens`
function * run (context, heroku) {
let endpoint = yield flags(context, heroku)
let cert = yield cli.action(`Fetching SSL certificate ${} info for ${}`, {}, heroku.request({
path: endpoint._meta.path,
headers: { 'Accept': `application/vnd.heroku+json; version=3.${endpoint._meta.variant}` }
function * run (context, heroku) {
let auth = yield cli.action('Revoking OAuth Authorization', {success: false}, heroku.request({
method: 'DELETE',
path: `/oauth/authorizations/${encodeURIComponent(}`
cli.log(`done, revoked authorization from ${cli.color.cyan(auth.description)}`)
function * run (context, heroku) {
let app =
let dyno = context.args.dyno
let msg = 'Restarting'
if (dyno) msg += ` ${cli.color.cyan(dyno)}`
msg += (dyno && dyno.indexOf('.') !== -1) ? ' dyno' : ' dynos'
msg += ` on ${}`
yield cli.action(msg, co(function * () {
yield heroku.delete(dyno ? `/apps/${app}/dynos/${encodeURIComponent(dyno)}` : `/apps/${app}/dynos`)
function * run (context, heroku) {
let app =
let dyno = context.args.dyno
let msg = 'Restarting'
if (dyno) msg += ` ${cli.color.cyan(dyno)}`
msg += (dyno && dyno.indexOf('.') !== -1) ? ' dyno' : ' dynos'
msg += ` on ${}`
yield cli.action(msg, co(function * () {
yield heroku.delete(dyno ? `/apps/${app}/dynos/${encodeURIComponent(dyno)}` : `/apps/${app}/dynos`)