How to use the heimdalljs.statsFor function in heimdalljs

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few heimdalljs examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github ember-cli / ember-cli / lib / models / addon.js View on Github external
cacheKeyForTree(treeType) {
    let methodsToValidate = methodsForTreeType(treeType);
    let cacheKeyStats = heimdall.statsFor('cache-key-for-tree');

    // determine if treeFor* (or other methods for tree type) overrides for the given tree
    let modifiedMethods = methodsToValidate.filter(methodName => this[methodName] !== addonProto[methodName]);

    if (modifiedMethods.length) {
      cacheKeyStats.modifiedMethods++;`Opting out due to: modified methods: ${modifiedMethods.join(', ')}`);
      return null; // uncacheable

    // determine if treeForMethods overrides for given tree
    if (this.treeForMethods[treeType] !== DEFAULT_TREE_FOR_METHODS[treeType]) {
      cacheKeyStats.treeForMethodsOverride++;'Opting out due to: treeForMethods override');
      return null; // uncacheable
github stefanpenner / async-disk-cache / index.js View on Github external
obj[name] = function() {
    const stats = heimdall.statsFor('async-disk-cache');
    const metrics = stats[name] = stats[name] || new Metric();


    let result;
    let didError = true;

    try {
      result = fn.apply(this, arguments);
      didError = false;
    } finally {
      if (didError) {
github ember-cli / ember-cli / lib / models / addon.js View on Github external
getItem(key) {
    let addonTreeCacheStats = heimdall.statsFor('addon-tree-cache');
    let cachedValue = this.__cache[key];

    if (cachedValue) {
      addonTreeCacheStats.hits++;`Cache Hit: ${key}`);
      return cachedValue;
    } else {
      addonTreeCacheStats.misses++;`Cache Miss: ${key}`);
      return null;
github ember-cli / ember-cli / lib / models / addon.js View on Github external
setItem(key, value) {
    let hasValue = !!value;
    heimdall.statsFor('addon-tree-cache').adds++;`Cache Add: ${key} - ${hasValue}`);
    this.__cache[key] = value;


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