How to use the hash-it.isEqual function in hash-it

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few hash-it examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github anywhichway / nano-memoize / benchmark / index.js View on Github external
const lodash = require('lodash').memoize;
const ramda = require('ramda').memoize;
const memoizee = require('memoizee');
const fastMemoize = require('fast-memoize');
const addyOsmani = require('./addy-osmani');
const memoizerific = require('memoizerific');
const lruMemoize = require('lru-memoize').default;
const moize = require('moize').default;
const microMemoize = require('micro-memoize'); 
const iMemoized = require('iMemoized');
const nanomemoize = require('../src/nano-memoize.js');

const deepEquals = require('lodash').isEqual;
const fastDeepEqual = require('fast-equals').deepEqual;
const hashItEquals = require('hash-it').isEqual;

const showResults = (benchmarkResults) => {
  const table = new Table({
    head: ['Name', 'Ops / sec', 'Relative margin of error', 'Sample size']

  benchmarkResults.forEach((result) => {
    const name =;
    const opsPerSecond ='en-US', {
      maximumFractionDigits: 0
    const relativeMarginOferror = ${}%`;
    const sampleSize =;

    table.push([name, opsPerSecond, relativeMarginOferror, sampleSize]);


Hash any object based on its value

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Popular hash-it functions