How to use the gulp-sourcemaps.mapSources function in gulp-sourcemaps

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few gulp-sourcemaps examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github github / vscode-codeql / tools / build-tasks / src / typescript.ts View on Github external
const project = rushConfig.tryGetProjectForPath(packageDir);
  if (!project) {
    console.error(`Unable to find project for '${packageDir}' in 'rush.json'.`);
    throw Error();

  //REVIEW: Better way to detect deployable projects?
  // Since extension .js files are deployed to 'dist//out', and libraries are deployed to
  // 'dist//node_modules//out'.
  const pathToRoot = (path.dirname(project.projectRelativeFolder) === 'extensions') ?
    '../../..' : '../../../../..';

  return tsProject.src()
    .pipe(sourcemaps.mapSources((sourcePath, _file) => {
      // The source path is kind of odd, because it's relative to the `tsconfig.json` file in the
      // `typescript-config` package, which lives in the `node_modules` directory of the package
      // that is being built. It starts out as something like '../../../src/foo.ts', and we need to
      // strip out the leading '../../../'.
      return path.join('a/b/c', sourcePath);
    .pipe(sourcemaps.write('.', {
      includeContent: false,
      sourceRoot: path.join(pathToRoot, project.projectRelativeFolder)
github webcomponents / webcomponentsjs / gulpfile.js View on Github external

  return gulp.src([
    ], {base: './', follow: true})
      // We load from node_modules, but the other polyfills are technically siblings of us.
      // Therefore, rewrite the sourcemap files to fixup the directory location
      sourcePath => sourcePath
        .replace(/node_modules\/@webcomponents/, smPrefix + '..')
        .replace(/node_modules/, smPrefix + '../..')
        .replace(/^src/, smPrefix + 'src')
github zajrik / pickle-mod / gulpfile.js View on Github external
gulp.task('build', () => {
	const tsCompile = gulp.src('src/**/*.ts')
		.pipe(gulp_sourcemaps.init({ base: 'src' }))



	return tsCompile.js
		.pipe(gulp_sourcemaps.mapSources(sourcePath => path.join(__dirname, 'src', sourcePath)))
github nest-cloud / nestcloud / gulpfile.js View on Github external
gulp.task(module + ':dev', () => {
        return packages[module]
                sourcemaps.mapSources(sourcePath => './' + sourcePath.split('/').pop()),
github Sylius / Sylius / src / Sylius / Bundle / ShopBundle / Gulpfile.js View on Github external
gulp.task('shop-js', function () {
    return gulp.src(, { base: './' })
        .pipe(gulpif(env !== 'prod', sourcemaps.init()))
        .pipe(gulpif(env === 'prod', uglify()))
        .pipe(gulpif(env !== 'prod', sourcemaps.mapSources(mapSourcePath)))
        .pipe(gulpif(env !== 'prod', sourcemaps.write('./')))
        .pipe(gulp.dest(shopRootPath + 'js/'))
github nestjs / nest / gulpfile.js View on Github external
gulp.task(module + ':dev', () => {
    return packages[module]
        sourcemaps.mapSources(sourcePath => './' + sourcePath.split('/').pop()),
github Monofony / Monofony / assets / backend / gulpfile.babel.js View on Github external
const cssStream = gulp.src(paths.admin.css, { base: './' })
    .pipe(gulpif(options.sourcemaps, sourcemaps.init()))

  const sassStream = gulp.src(paths.admin.sass, { base: './' })
    .pipe(gulpif(options.sourcemaps, sourcemaps.init()))

  return merge(
    merge(cssStream, sassStream)
      .pipe(order(['css-files.css', 'sass-files.scss']))
      .pipe(gulpif(options.minify, uglifycss()))
      .pipe(gulpif(options.sourcemaps, sourcemaps.mapSources(mapSourcePath)))
      .pipe(gulpif(options.sourcemaps, sourcemaps.write('./')))
      .pipe(gulp.dest(upath.joinSafe(adminRootPath, 'css')))
buildAdminCss.description = 'Build admin css assets.';
github mauve / vscode-terraform / gulpfile.js View on Github external
function compile() {
    var project = ts.createProject('tsconfig.json');

    return project.src()
        .pipe(sourcemaps.mapSources((sourcePath, file) => {
            let relativeLocation = path.join(path.relative(path.join('out', path.dirname(file.relative)), '.'), 'src/');
            let relativeLocationToFile = path.join(relativeLocation, sourcePath);
            return relativeLocationToFile;
        .pipe(sourcemaps.write('.', {
            includeContent: false
github microsoft / windows-admin-center-extension-template / templates / upgrade / windows-admin-center-extension-template / gulpfile.js View on Github external
gulp.task('e2e-build', ['e2e-build-common'], function () {
    var tsProject = ts.createProject(__dirname + config.e2e.src + '/tsconfig.json');
    return gulp.src([__dirname + config.e2e.src + '/**/*.ts', '!' + __dirname + config.e2e.src + '/**/*.d.ts'])
        .pipe(sourcemaps.mapSources(function (sourcePath, file) {
            var sourcePath = sourcePath.replace('../../', '');
            var folderDepth = sourcePath.split('/').length;
            var newPath = '';
            for (var i = 0; i < folderDepth; i++) {
                newPath += '../';
            newPath += '..' + config.e2e.src + '/' + sourcePath;
            return newPath;
        .pipe(gulp.dest(__dirname + config.e2e.dest));
github neo-one-suite / neo-one / gulpfile.js View on Github external
gulp.task('compileBin', () =>


Sourcemap support for gulpjs.

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