How to use the grunt.util function in grunt

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few grunt examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.

github shama / grunt-docs / tasks / lib / docs.js View on Github external
 * grunt-docs
 * Copyright (c) 2013 Kyle Robinson Young
 * Licensed under the MIT license.

'use strict';

var grunt = require('grunt');
var docpad = require('docpad');
var path = require('path');

var _ = grunt.util._;
var async = grunt.util.async;

var docs = module.exports = {};

// Guesses a destination given patterns
docs.guessBasePath = function(file, patterns) {
  var out = false;
  patterns.forEach(function(pattern) {
    var base = docs.findBase(pattern);
    file = path.normalize(file);
    if (file.substr(0, base.length) === base) {
      out = file.replace(base, '');
  return docs.resolveExt(out || path.basename(file));
github shama / grunt-benchmark / lib / grunt-benchmark.js View on Github external
if (!task) {
    throw new Error('Please specify a task');
  options = options || {};

  // CWD to spawn
  var cwd = options.base || options.cwd || process.cwd();
  delete options.cwd;

  // get next/kill process trigger
  var trigger = options.trigger || false;
  delete options.trigger;

  // turn options into spawn options
  var spawnOptions = [process.argv[1]];
  grunt.util._.each(options, function(val, key) {
    spawnOptions.push('--' + key);

  // Return an interface for testing this task
  return function(runs, done) {
    var spawnGrunt = spawn(process.argv[0], spawnOptions, {cwd:cwd});
    var out = '';

    if (!grunt.util._.isArray(runs)) {
      runs = [runs];

    // Append a last function to kill spawnGrunt
    runs.push(function() { spawnGrunt.kill('SIGINT'); });
github TypeStrong / grunt-ts / tasks / modules / compile.ts View on Github external
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            cmd: 'node',
            args: args
        }, (error, result, code) => {
                var ret: ICompileResult = {
                    code: code,
                    // New TypeScript compiler uses stdout for user code errors. Old one used stderr.
                    output: result.stdout || result.stderr
github tinganho / grunt-dot-compiler / src / Compiler.js View on Github external
Compiler.prototype.compileTemplates = function(files) {

  var js = '', _this = this;

  // RequireJS
  if(!this.opt.requirejs && !this.opt.node) {
    if(this.opt.variable.indexOf('.') !== -1) {
      js += this.opt.variable + ' = (function(){' + grunt.util.linefeed;
    } else {
      js += 'var ' + this.opt.variable + ' = (function(){' + grunt.util.linefeed;

  if(this.opt.requirejs && !this.opt.node) {
    js += 'if(typeof define !== \'function\') {' + grunt.util.linefeed;
    js += '  define = require(\'amdefine\')(module);' + grunt.util.linefeed;
    js += '}' + grunt.util.linefeed;

  if(this.opt.requirejs) {
    js += 'define(function() {' + grunt.util.linefeed;

  // Defining encodeHTML method for the templates
  js += 'function encodeHTMLSource() {';
  js += '  var encodeHTMLRules = { "&": "&", "<": "<", ">": ">", \'"\': \'"\', "\'": \''\', "/": \'/\' },';
github pifantastic / grunt-s3 / test / upload.js View on Github external
var grunt = require('grunt');
var yaml = require('libyaml');
var hashFile = require('../tasks/lib/common').hashFile;
var s3 = require('../tasks/lib/s3').init(grunt);

var _ = grunt.util._;
var async = grunt.util.async;

var s3Config = grunt.config("s3"),
    config = _.extend({}, s3Config.options, s3Config.test.options);

module.exports = {
  testUpload : function (test) {

      function (cb) {
        var src = __dirname + '/files/a.txt';
        var dest = __dirname + '/../s3/127/a.txt/.fakes3_metadataFFF/content';

        s3.upload(src, 'a.txt', config)
          .done(function () {
github rubenv / grunt-git / test / common.js View on Github external
setupAndRun: function (fixture, before, done) {
        if (!done) {
            done = before;
            before = function (repo, cb) { cb(); };


        var repo = new Repo('tmp/' + fixture);

        grunt.file.copy('test/fixtures/' + fixture + '.js', repo.path + '/Gruntfile.js');

            u.genCommand(repo.path, 'git', ['init']),
            u.genCommand(repo.path, 'git', ['add', '.']),
            u.genCommand(repo.path, 'git', ['commit', '-m', 'Initial commit']),
            function (cb) {
                repo.initialRef = + '/.git/refs/heads/master').trim();
            function (cb) { before(repo, cb); },
            u.genCommand(repo.path, 'grunt'),
            function (cb) {
                repo.currentRef = + '/.git/refs/heads/master').trim();
        ], function (err) {
            done(err, repo);
github deiwin / ngImageInputWithPreview / tasks / files.js View on Github external
var _ = require('grunt').util._;
var files = {
  grunt: 'Gruntfile.js',

  source: [
  sourceStyle: [

  distStyle: 'dist/<%= %>.css',
  distStyleMin: 'dist/<%= %>.min.css',
  dist: 'dist/<%= %>.js',
  distMin: 'dist/<%= %>.min.js',
  dists: 'dist/*',
github umbraco / Umbraco-CMS / src / Umbraco.Web.UI.Client / lib / grunt / utills.js View on Github external
build: function(config, fn){
    var files = grunt.file.expand(config.src);
    var styles = config.styles;
    var src ={
    var processed = this.process(src, grunt.config('NG_VERSION'), config.strict);
    if (styles) processed = this.addStyle(processed, styles.css, styles.minify);
    grunt.file.write(config.dest, processed);
    grunt.log.ok('File ' + config.dest + ' created.');
github gotdibbs / grunt-html-inspector / tasks / lib / HtmlInspector.js View on Github external
/*global require:true, process:true, phantomjs:true, __dirname:true*/

var grunt = require('grunt'),
    path = require('path'),
    _ = grunt.util._;

var HtmlInspector = function HtmlInspector(task, phantomjs) {
    this.filesSrc = task.filesSrc;
    this.async = task.async;
    this.phantomjs = phantomjs;

_.extend(HtmlInspector.prototype, (function () {
    'use strict';
    /*jshint validthis:true */
    var isPass = true;

    function onComplete(errors) {
        var i = 0,
github facebook / react / grunt / tasks / release.js View on Github external
var gitAddDel = {
    cmd: 'git',
    args: ['add', '-u'],
    opts: opts,
  var gitCommit = {
    cmd: 'git',
    args: ['commit', '-m', commitMsg],
    opts: opts,
  var gitTag = {
    cmd: 'git',
    args: ['tag', tag],
    opts: opts,
  grunt.util.spawn(gitAddAll, function() {
    grunt.util.spawn(gitAddDel, function() {
      grunt.util.spawn(gitCommit, function() {
        if (tag) {
          grunt.util.spawn(gitTag, cb);
        } else {