How to use groq-js - 2 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few groq-js examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github sanity-io / groq-cli / src / cli.js View on Github external
if (isNdjson) {
    outputFormat = 'ndjson'
    inputFormat = 'ndjson'

  check({ query, inputFormat, outputFormat })

  // Parse query
  const tree = parse(query)

  // Read input
  const inputter = INPUTTERS[inputFormat]
  const options = await inputter()

  // Execute query
  const result = await evaluate(tree, options)

  // Stream output
  const streamer = OUTPUTTERS[outputFormat]
  yield* await streamer(result)
github sanity-io / groq-cli / src / cli.js View on Github external
const query = input[0]

  if (pretty) {
    outputFormat = 'pretty'

  if (isNdjson) {
    outputFormat = 'ndjson'
    inputFormat = 'ndjson'

  check({ query, inputFormat, outputFormat })

  // Parse query
  const tree = parse(query)

  // Read input
  const inputter = INPUTTERS[inputFormat]
  const options = await inputter()

  // Execute query
  const result = await evaluate(tree, options)

  // Stream output
  const streamer = OUTPUTTERS[outputFormat]
  yield* await streamer(result)


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