How to use the graphql-transformer-common.ResourceConstants.CONDITIONS function in graphql-transformer-common

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github aws-amplify / amplify-cli / packages / graphql-connection-transformer / src / resources.ts View on Github external
// If the GSI does not exist yet then add it.
        const existingGSI = gsis.find(gsi => gsi.IndexName === connectionGSIName)
        if (!existingGSI) {
            const keySchema = [new KeySchema({ AttributeName: connectionAttributeName, KeyType: 'HASH' })]
            if (sortField) {
                keySchema.push(new KeySchema({ AttributeName:, KeyType: 'RANGE' }))
            gsis.push(new GlobalSecondaryIndex({
                IndexName: connectionGSIName,
                KeySchema: keySchema,
                Projection: new Projection({
                    ProjectionType: 'ALL'
                ProvisionedThroughput: Fn.If(
                        ReadCapacityUnits: Fn.Ref(ResourceConstants.PARAMETERS.DynamoDBModelTableReadIOPS),
                        WriteCapacityUnits: Fn.Ref(ResourceConstants.PARAMETERS.DynamoDBModelTableWriteIOPS)
                ) as any,

        // If the attribute definition does not exist yet, add it.
        const attributeDefinitions = table.Properties.AttributeDefinitions as AttributeDefinition[]
        const existingAttribute = attributeDefinitions.find(attr => attr.AttributeName === connectionAttributeName)
        if (!existingAttribute) {
            attributeDefinitions.push(new AttributeDefinition({
                AttributeName: connectionAttributeName,
                AttributeType: 'S'
github aws-amplify / amplify-cli / packages / graphql-function-transformer / src / FunctionTransformer.ts View on Github external
role = (name: string, region: string): any => {
    return new IAM.Role({
      RoleName: Fn.If(
        Fn.Join('-', [
          FunctionResourceIDs.FunctionIAMRoleName(name, true), // max of 64. 64-10-26-28 = 0
          Fn.GetAtt(ResourceConstants.RESOURCES.GraphQLAPILogicalID, 'ApiId'), // 26
          Fn.Ref(ResourceConstants.PARAMETERS.Env), // 10
        Fn.Join('-', [
          FunctionResourceIDs.FunctionIAMRoleName(name, false), // max of 64. 64-26-38 = 0
          Fn.GetAtt(ResourceConstants.RESOURCES.GraphQLAPILogicalID, 'ApiId'), // 26
      AssumeRolePolicyDocument: {
        Version: '2012-10-17',
        Statement: [
            Effect: 'Allow',
            Principal: {
github aws-amplify / amplify-cli / packages / graphql-key-transformer / src / KeyTransformer.ts View on Github external
if (primaryPartitionKeyName === ks[0].AttributeName) {
                // This is an LSI.
                // Add the new secondary index and update the table's attribute definitions.
                tableResource.Properties.LocalSecondaryIndexes = append(
                    new LocalSecondaryIndex(baseIndexProperties)
            } else {
                // This is a GSI.
                // Add the new secondary index and update the table's attribute definitions.
                tableResource.Properties.GlobalSecondaryIndexes = append(
                    new GlobalSecondaryIndex({
                        ProvisionedThroughput: Fn.If(
                                ReadCapacityUnits: Fn.Ref(ResourceConstants.PARAMETERS.DynamoDBModelTableReadIOPS),
                                WriteCapacityUnits: Fn.Ref(ResourceConstants.PARAMETERS.DynamoDBModelTableWriteIOPS)
                        ) as any,
            const existingAttrDefSet = new Set( => ad.AttributeName));
            for (const attr of attrDefs) {
                if (!existingAttrDefSet.has(attr.AttributeName)) {
github aws-amplify / amplify-cli / packages / graphql-auth-transformer / src / resources.ts View on Github external
public makeAppSyncApiKey(apiKeyConfig: Transformer.ApiKeyConfig) {
    let expirationDays = 7;
    if (apiKeyConfig && apiKeyConfig.apiKeyExpirationDays) {
      expirationDays = apiKeyConfig.apiKeyExpirationDays;
    const expirationDateInSeconds = 60 /* s */ * 60 /* m */ * 24 /* h */ * expirationDays; /* d */
    const nowEpochTime = Math.floor( / 1000);
    return new AppSync.ApiKey({
      ApiId: Fn.GetAtt(ResourceConstants.RESOURCES.GraphQLAPILogicalID, 'ApiId'),
      Description: apiKeyConfig && apiKeyConfig.description ? apiKeyConfig.description : undefined,
      Expires: Fn.If(
        nowEpochTime + expirationDateInSeconds
github aws-amplify / amplify-cli / packages / graphql-auth-transformer / src / resources.ts View on Github external
public makeAppSyncApiKey(apiKeyConfig: Transformer.ApiKeyConfig) {
    let expirationDays = 7;
    if (apiKeyConfig && apiKeyConfig.apiKeyExpirationDays) {
      expirationDays = apiKeyConfig.apiKeyExpirationDays;
    const expirationDateInSeconds = 60 /* s */ * 60 /* m */ * 24 /* h */ * expirationDays; /* d */
    const nowEpochTime = Math.floor( / 1000);
    return new AppSync.ApiKey({
      ApiId: Fn.GetAtt(ResourceConstants.RESOURCES.GraphQLAPILogicalID, 'ApiId'),
      Description: apiKeyConfig && apiKeyConfig.description ? apiKeyConfig.description : undefined,
      Expires: Fn.If(
        nowEpochTime + expirationDateInSeconds
github aws-amplify / amplify-cli / packages / graphql-elasticsearch-transformer / src / resources.ts View on Github external
private joinWithEnv(separator: string, listToJoin: any[]) {
        return Fn.If(
github aws-amplify / amplify-cli / packages / graphql-transformer-core / src / util / syncUtils.ts View on Github external
function joinWithEnv(separator: string, listToJoin: any[]) {
    return Fn.If(
      Fn.Join(separator, [...listToJoin, Fn.Ref(ResourceConstants.PARAMETERS.Env)]),
      Fn.Join(separator, listToJoin)
  export function syncLambdaIAMRole({ name, region }: { name: string; region?: string }) {
github aws-amplify / amplify-cli / packages / graphql-dynamodb-transformer / src / resources.ts View on Github external
public makeAppSyncAPI() {
    return new AppSync.GraphQLApi({
      Name: Fn.If(
        Fn.Join('-', [Fn.Ref(ResourceConstants.PARAMETERS.AppSyncApiName), Fn.Ref(ResourceConstants.PARAMETERS.Env)]),
      AuthenticationType: 'API_KEY',
github aws-amplify / amplify-cli / packages / graphql-transformer-core / src / util / syncUtils.ts View on Github external
export function syncLambdaArnResource({ name, region }: { name: string; region?: string }) {
    const env = 'env;';
    const substitutions = {};
    if (referencesEnv(name)) {
      substitutions[env] = Fn.Ref(ResourceConstants.PARAMETERS.Env);
    return Fn.If(
      Fn.Sub(lambdaArnKey(name, region), substitutions),
      Fn.Sub(lambdaArnKey(removeEnvReference(name), region), {})
  export function lambdaArnKey(name: string, region?: string) {
github aws-amplify / amplify-cli / packages / graphql-appsync-transformer / src / resources.ts View on Github external
public makeEnvironmentConditions() {
        return {
                Fn.Not(Fn.Equals(Fn.Ref(ResourceConstants.PARAMETERS.Env), ResourceConstants.NONE))