How to use graphql-schema-typescript - 2 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few graphql-schema-typescript examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github coralproject / talk / scripts / generateSchemaTypes.js View on Github external

  for (const file of files) {
    // Load the graph schema.
    const schema = projects[].getSchema();

    // Create the generated directory.
    const dir = path.dirname(file.fileName);
    if (!fs.existsSync(dir)) {

    // Create the types for this file.
    const types = await generateTSTypesAsString(schema, {
      tabSpaces: 2,
      typePrefix: "GQL",
      strictNulls: false,

    fs.writeFileSync(file.fileName, types);

  return files;
github goemonjs / goemon / scripts / gen-gtypes-directly.ts View on Github external
const generateGTypes = (schemaDir: string, outputPath: string) => {
  const schemasPath = glob.sync(schemaDir + '/*.+(js|ts|jsx|tsx)');
  let typeDefs: string[] = [];
  schemasPath.forEach(function (schema) {

  const executableSchema = makeExecutableSchema({ typeDefs });
  const options: GenerateTypescriptOptions = {
    typePrefix: '',
    noStringEnum: true,
    smartTResult: true,
    asyncResult: true

  return generateTypeScriptTypes(executableSchema, outputPath, options);


Generate TypeScript from GraphQL's schema type definitions

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