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private generateFilterAndKeyConditionInputs(
ctx: TransformerContext, field: ObjectTypeDefinitionNode | InterfaceTypeDefinitionNode,
sortKeyInfo?: { fieldName: string, typeName: string }
): void {
const scalarFilters = makeScalarFilterInputs()
for (const filter of scalarFilters) {
if (!this.typeExist(, ctx)) {
// Create the ModelXFilterInput
const tableXQueryFilterInput = makeModelXFilterInputObject(field, ctx)
if (!this.typeExist(, ctx)) {
// Create sort key condition inputs for valid sort key types
// We only create the KeyConditionInput if it is being used.
// Don't create a key condition input for composite sort keys since it already done by @key.
if (sortKeyInfo && (sortKeyInfo.typeName !== "Composite")) {
const sortKeyConditionInput = makeScalarKeyConditionForType(makeNamedType(sortKeyInfo.typeName))
if (!this.typeExist(, ctx)) {
private generateFilterAndKeyConditionInputs(
ctx: TransformerContext, field: ObjectTypeDefinitionNode | InterfaceTypeDefinitionNode,
sortKeyInfo?: { fieldName: string, typeName: string }
): void {
const scalarFilters = makeScalarFilterInputs()
for (const filter of scalarFilters) {
if (!this.typeExist(, ctx)) {
// Create the ModelXFilterInput
const tableXQueryFilterInput = makeModelXFilterInputObject(field, ctx)
if (!this.typeExist(, ctx)) {
// Create sort key condition inputs for valid sort key types
// We only create the KeyConditionInput if it is being used.
if (sortKeyInfo) {
const sortKeyConditionInput = makeScalarKeyConditionForType(makeNamedType(sortKeyInfo.typeName))
if (!this.typeExist(, ctx)) {