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prisma: path.join(__dirname, '../generated/prisma-client/index.ts'),
ctx: path.join(__dirname, '../context.ts'),
contextType: 'ctx.Context',
rootTypes: {
User: 'prisma.User',
//Post: 'prisma.Post',
// plugins: [prismaPlugin],
export const schema = buildSchema({
types: allTypes,
outputs: {
schema: path.join(__dirname, '../../schema.graphql'),
typegen: path.join(__dirname, '../generated/gqliteral.ts'),
typegen: {
imports: {
prisma: path.join(__dirname, '../generated/prisma-client/index.ts'),
ctx: path.join(__dirname, '../context.ts'),
contextType: 'ctx.Context',
rootTypes: {
function buildPrismaSchema(
options: PrismaSchemaConfig,
) {