Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
URLS.APP_URLS_LOCAL.includes(hostname) ||
) return preAppRender().catch(console.error)
/* PRODUCTION builds should be geoBlocked */
if (FE_CONDITIONAL_ENV === 'production') {
/* Scenario 1a: User is a developer on any of the STAGING URLS OR ipfs */
if (URLS.APP_URLS_STAGING.includes(hostname) || hostname.includes('ipfs')) {
blocked = await isGeoBlocked()
blocked && (disabledReason = 'geoblock')
!URLS.APP_URLS_STAGING.includes(hostname) && ReactGA.initialize(GA_CODES.IPFS)
// Main release Scenarios:
/* Scenario 2: User is using the dx on dutchx-rinkeby (RINKEBY): BLOCK: networks */
else if (hostname === URLS.APP_URLS_PROD[1]) {
ALLOWED_NETWORK = 'Rinkeby Test Network'
blocked = await isNetBlocked(['4'])
if (blocked) disabledReason = 'networkblock'
// init GA
/* Scenario 3: User is using the dx on (MAIN): BLOCK: all networks + geoblock */
else if (hostname === URLS.APP_URLS_PROD[0]) {
ALLOWED_NETWORK = 'Ethereum Mainnet'
const netBlockedPromise = isNetBlocked(['1'])
// geoblock gets precedence, checked last
blocked = await isGeoBlocked()
if (blocked) {
disabledReason = 'geoblock'
} else {
blocked = await netBlockedPromise
!URLS.APP_URLS_STAGING.includes(hostname) && ReactGA.initialize(GA_CODES.IPFS)
/* Scenario 1b: User is a developer on a PR-review URL */
} else if (URLS.APP_URLS_PR_REVIEW_TEST(hostname)) {
blocked = false
// Main release Scenarios:
/* Scenario 2: User is using the dx on dutchx-rinkeby (RINKEBY): BLOCK: networks */
else if (URLS.APP_URLS_PROD.RINKEBY.includes(hostname)) {
ALLOWED_NETWORK = 'Rinkeby Test Network'
blocked = await isNetBlocked(['4'])
if (blocked) disabledReason = 'networkblock'
// init GA
/* Scenario 3: User is using the dx on (MAIN): BLOCK: all networks + geoblock */
else if (URLS.APP_URLS_PROD.MAIN.includes(hostname)) {
ALLOWED_NETWORK = 'Ethereum Mainnet'
const netBlockedPromise = isNetBlocked(['1'])
// geoblock gets precedence, checked last
blocked = await isGeoBlocked()
if (blocked) {
disabledReason = 'geoblock'
} else {
blocked = await netBlockedPromise
if (blocked) disabledReason = 'networkblock'
// init GA
else {
// fallback
console.warn('No hostname match - fallingback to geographical block')
blocked = await isGeoBlocked()
blocked && (disabledReason = 'geoblock')
!URLS.APP_URLS_STAGING.includes(hostname) && ReactGA.initialize(GA_CODES.IPFS)
// Main release Scenarios:
/* Scenario 2: User is using the dx on dutchx-rinkeby (RINKEBY): BLOCK: networks */
else if (hostname === URLS.APP_URLS_PROD[1]) {
ALLOWED_NETWORK = 'Rinkeby Test Network'
blocked = await isNetBlocked(['4'])
if (blocked) disabledReason = 'networkblock'
// init GA
/* Scenario 3: User is using the dx on (MAIN): BLOCK: all networks + geoblock */
else if (hostname === URLS.APP_URLS_PROD[0]) {
ALLOWED_NETWORK = 'Ethereum Mainnet'
const netBlockedPromise = isNetBlocked(['1'])
// geoblock gets precedence, checked last
blocked = await isGeoBlocked()
if (blocked) {
disabledReason = 'geoblock'
} else {
blocked = await netBlockedPromise
if (blocked) disabledReason = 'networkblock'
// init GA
else {
// fallback
console.warn('No hostname match - fallingback to geographical block')
const locationListener = (history: any) => {
if (typeof window === 'undefined') return
// history listen on change
if (window.location.hostname !== URLS.APP_URLS_PROD.MAIN[0]) {
history.listen((loc: any) => {
const searchParams = new URLSearchParams(
searchParams.has('retro-x') && document.body.classList.add('THEME')
// fix && rinkeby#/ issue
if (window.location.href.startsWith(MAIN_RINKEBY_URL)) {
renderError = () => {
const { error, loading, online, set_up_complete } = this.state,
{ disclaimer_accepted } = this.props
if (!disclaimer_accepted || loading) return
return (
{process.env.FE_CONDITIONAL_ENV === 'development' && <div><span>ATTENTION: You are in DEVELOPMENT</span></div>}
{process.env.CLAIM_ONLY && <div><span>ATTENTION: This is a deprecated version of CLAIM ONLY mode is active - for trading on the latest version, please click <a href="{`https://${URLS.APP_URLS_PROD.MAIN[0]}`}">here</a>. </span></div>}
{ !online && <div><span>App is currently offline - please your check internet connection and refresh the page </span></div> }
{ (!set_up_complete || !this.props.unlocked) && online && <div><span>{ error ? `App problems detected: ${error}` : 'App problems detected. Please check your provider and refresh the page.' } </span></div> }
<div><span>Withdraw and claim funds from previous versions <a href="{`https://${URLS.APP_URLS_PROD.MAIN[1]}`}">here</a></span></div>
/* PRODUCTION builds should be geoBlocked */
if (FE_CONDITIONAL_ENV === 'production') {
/* Scenario 1a: User is a developer on any of the STAGING URLS OR ipfs */
if (URLS.APP_URLS_STAGING.includes(hostname) || hostname.includes('ipfs')) {
blocked = await isGeoBlocked()
blocked && (disabledReason = 'geoblock')
!URLS.APP_URLS_STAGING.includes(hostname) && ReactGA.initialize(GA_CODES.IPFS)
/* Scenario 1b: User is a developer on a PR-review URL */
} else if (URLS.APP_URLS_PR_REVIEW_TEST(hostname)) {
blocked = false
// Main release Scenarios:
/* Scenario 2: User is using the dx on dutchx-rinkeby (RINKEBY): BLOCK: networks */
else if (URLS.APP_URLS_PROD.RINKEBY.includes(hostname)) {
ALLOWED_NETWORK = 'Rinkeby Test Network'
blocked = await isNetBlocked(['4'])
if (blocked) disabledReason = 'networkblock'
// init GA
/* Scenario 3: User is using the dx on (MAIN): BLOCK: all networks + geoblock */
else if (URLS.APP_URLS_PROD.MAIN.includes(hostname)) {
ALLOWED_NETWORK = 'Ethereum Mainnet'
const netBlockedPromise = isNetBlocked(['1'])
// geoblock gets precedence, checked last
blocked = await isGeoBlocked()
if (blocked) {
disabledReason = 'geoblock'
} else {
blocked = await netBlockedPromise
const locationListener = (history: any) => {
if (typeof window === 'undefined') return
// history listen on change
if (window.location.hostname !== URLS.APP_URLS_PROD.MAIN[0]) {
history.listen((loc: any) => {
const searchParams = new URLSearchParams(
searchParams.has('retro-x') && document.body.classList.add('THEME')
// fix && rinkeby#/ issue
if (window.location.href.startsWith(MAIN_RINKEBY_URL)) {
renderError = () => {
const { error, loading, online, set_up_complete } = this.state,
{ disclaimer_accepted } = this.props
if (!disclaimer_accepted || loading) return
return (
{process.env.FE_CONDITIONAL_ENV === 'development' && <div><span>ATTENTION: You are in DEVELOPMENT</span></div>}
{process.env.CLAIM_ONLY && <div><span>ATTENTION: This is a deprecated version of CLAIM ONLY mode is active - for trading on the latest version, please click <a href="{`https://${URLS.APP_URLS_PROD.MAIN[0]}`}">here</a>. </span></div>}
{ !online && <div><span>App is currently offline - please your check internet connection and refresh the page </span></div> }
{ (!set_up_complete || !this.props.unlocked) && online && <div><span>{ error ? `App problems detected: ${error}` : 'App problems detected. Please check your provider and refresh the page.' } </span></div> }
<div><span>Withdraw and claim funds from previous versions <a href="{`https://${URLS.APP_URLS_PROD.MAIN[1]}`}">here</a></span></div>
export const ClaimOnly: React.SFC = () =>
<h2><strong><span>ATTENTION</span>: CLAIM ONLY MODE</strong></h2>
<strong>This is a deprecated version of {COMPANY_NAME}.</strong>
Trading is no longer available on this contract version. You may only <span>withdraw</span> your funds.
For trading, please head to the latest, up-to-date version available below:
<a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="{`https://${URLS.APP_URLS_PROD.MAIN[0]}`}">
Trade on {COMPANY_NAME} <i></i>
There are market economics at work to ensure this. But to put your mind at ease:
all token trades on <strong></strong> will get a comparable price to other trading
platforms, if not a better one.
For more details, check out "I don't know beforehand how much of a token I will
receive —will I get the fair amount?"
<section id="can-i-test-it-first">
<h3>Can I test it first?</h3>
Yes, absolutely! We actually recommend that you first familiarize yourself with the auction mechanism on <strong></strong> using the <a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="{`https://${URLS.APP_URLS_PROD.RINKEBY[0]}`}">Rinkeby Testnet</a>. This allows you to interact with the DutchX Rinkeby Protocol. To do so, make sure your Wallet is set to Rinkeby.
<section id="how-long-auction-takes">
<h3>How long does an auction take?</h3>
A typical auction is expected to run for about<strong> 6 hours</strong>. After 6 hours, the auction reaches the prior closing price, which serves as an indication for length and price (the last available market price). Due to potential price fluctuations, which can often be quite significant in the cryptocurrency space, <strong>the auction may close earlier or run longer.</strong>
<section id="when-do-i-claim-tokens">
<h3>When do I claim my tokens?</h3>