How to use the gitlab.Projects function in gitlab

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few gitlab examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github btoles / semantix / src / create-release.js View on Github external
module.exports = async nextVersion => {
        throw new Error('Found both GitLab and GitHub token, please supply one or the other.');
    if (GITHUB_TOKEN) {
        const gitHub = new octokit({
            baseUrl: GITHUB_URL,
            type: 'token',
            token: GITHUB_TOKEN
    if (GITLAB_TOKEN) {
        const gitLab = new Projects({
            url: GITLAB_URL,
            token: GITLAB_TOKEN


Full NodeJS implementation of the GitLab API. Supports Promises, Async/Await.

Latest version published 5 years ago

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