Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
const getConfig = require('../utils').getConfig;
const getTestRoot = require('../utils').getTestRoot;
const Codecept = require('../../codecept');
const container = require('../../container');
const output = require('../../output');
const { matchStep } = require('../../interfaces/bdd');
const { Parser } = require('gherkin');
const glob = require('glob');
const fsPath = require('path');
const fs = require('fs');
const escapeStringRegexp = require('escape-string-regexp');
const parser = new Parser();
parser.stopAtFirstError = false;
module.exports = function (genPath, options) {
const configFile = options.config || genPath;
const testsPath = getTestRoot(configFile);
const config = getConfig(configFile);
if (!config) return;
const codecept = new Codecept(config, {});
if (!config.gherkin) {
output.error('Gherkin is not enabled in config. Run `codecept gherkin:init` to enable it');
var fs = require('fs');
var _ = require('lodash');
var Gherkin = require('gherkin');
var parser = new Gherkin.Parser();
var rules = require('./rules.js');
function lint(files, configuration) {
var output = [];
files.forEach(fileName => {
var fileContent = fs.readFileSync(fileName, 'utf-8');
var file = {
name: fileName,
lines: fileContent.split(/\r\n|\r|\n/)
var errors = [];
try {
var feature = parser.parse(fileContent).feature || {};
errors = rules.runAllEnabledRules(feature, file, configuration);
self._getFeatureFileObjects = function (featureFilePath) {
var parser = new Gherkin.Parser();
var gherkinDocument = parser.parse(FS.readFileSync(featureFilePath, 'utf8'));
var featureFileObjects = [];
var featureTags = self._collectTags(gherkinDocument.feature.tags);
if (gherkinDocument.feature.children.length > 0) {
gherkinDocument.feature.children.forEach(function (child) {
var scenarioTags = [];
if (child.type !== 'Background') {
scenarioTags = self._collectTags(child.tags);
if (child.examples === undefined || child.examples.length === 0) {
path: featureFilePath + ':' + child.location.line,
tags: featureTags.concat(scenarioTags)
paths.forEach(featurePath => {
const spec = `${fs.readFileSync(featurePath)}`;
const parsedFeature = new Parser().parse(spec);
const featureTags = parsedFeature.feature.tags;
const featureShouldRun = shouldProceedCurrentStep(featureTags, envTags);
const taggedScenarioShouldRun = parsedFeature.feature.children.some(
section =>
section.tags &&
section.tags.length &&
shouldProceedCurrentStep(section.tags.concat(featureTags), envTags)
`Feature: ${featurePath}, featureShouldRun: ${featureShouldRun}, taggedScenarioShouldRun: ${taggedScenarioShouldRun}`
if (featureShouldRun || taggedScenarioShouldRun) {
module.exports = function Config() {
var parser = new Gherkin.Parser();
var compiler = new Gherkin.Compiler();
this.buildTestCases = function (glue, gherkinLoader) {
var pickles = [];
gherkinLoader.loadGherkinFiles().forEach(function (gherkinFile) {
var feature = parser.parse(;
pickles = pickles.concat(compiler.compile(feature));
return (pickle) {
return glue.createTestCase(pickle);
API.load = pathToFile => {
const parser = new Parser();
const document = parser.parse(fs.readFileSync(pathToFile, 'utf8'));
return assembler.objectToAST(document);
const { Parser } = require('gherkin');
const { Context, Suite, Test } = require('mocha');
const { matchStep } = require('./bdd');
const { isAsyncFunction } = require('../utils');
const event = require('../event');
const scenario = require('../scenario');
const Step = require('../step');
const parser = new Parser();
parser.stopAtFirstError = false;
module.exports = (text) => {
const ast = parser.parse(text);
const suite = new Suite(, new Context());
const tags = =>;
suite.title = `${suite.title} ${tags.join(' ')}`.trim();
suite.tags = tags || [];
suite.comment = ast.feature.description;
suite.feature = ast.feature;
suite.beforeEach('codeceptjs.before', () => scenario.setup(suite));
suite.afterEach('codeceptjs.after', () => scenario.teardown(suite));
suite.beforeAll('codeceptjs.beforeSuite', () => scenario.suiteSetup(suite));
beforeEach(function() {
var source =
'Feature: Foo\n' +
' Scenario: Bar\n' +
' My scenario description\n' +
'\n' +
' Then b\n';
var gherkinDocument = new Gherkin.Parser().parse(source);
feature = Cucumber.Ast.Feature(gherkinDocument.feature, []);
.map(feature =>
Object.assign({}, feature, {
name: new Parser().parse(feature.spec.toString())