Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
payload.__url__ = pageData.title;
return payload;
ctx.timing.end.then(timing => {
} else if (__BROWSER__) {
// TODO(#3): We should consider adding render/downstream/upstream timings for the browser
let pageData = {};
const element = document.getElementById('__ROUTER_DATA__');
if (element) {
pageData = JSON.parse(unescape(element.textContent));
emitter && => {
if (payload && typeof payload === 'object') {
payload.__url__ = pageData.title;
payload.__urlParams__ = pageData.params;
return payload;
// preserving browser history across hmr fixes warning "Warning: You cannot change "
// we don't want to preserve the `browserHistory` instance across jsdom tests however, as it will cause
// routes to match based on the previous location information.
if (
!browserHistory ||
(__DEV__ && typeof window.jsdom !== 'undefined')
) {
constructor(ctx) {
if (storeCache) {
// $FlowFixMe = storeCache;
} else {
// We only use initialState for client-side hydration
// The real initial state should be derived from the reducer and the @@INIT action
if (!preloadedState) {
const stateElement = document.getElementById('__REDUX_STATE__');
if (stateElement) {
preloadedState = JSON.parse(unescape(stateElement.textContent));
const devTool =
__DEV__ &&
// $FlowFixMe
__REDUX_DEVTOOLS_EXTENSION__({trace: true, traceLimit: 25});
const enhancers = [enhancer, ctxEnhancer(ctx), devTool].filter(
// $FlowFixMe = createStore(
// $FlowFixMe
const renderMiddleware = async (ctx, next) => {
if (!ctx.element) {
return next();
let initialState = null;
if (__BROWSER__) {
// Deserialize initial state for the browser
const apolloState = document.getElementById('__APOLLO_STATE__');
if (apolloState) {
initialState = JSON.parse(unescape(apolloState.textContent));
// Create the client and apollo provider
const client = getApolloClient(ctx, initialState);
ctx.element = (
await next();
if (__NODE__) {
// Serialize state into html on server side render
const initialState = client.cache && client.cache.extract();
const serialized = JSON.stringify(initialState);
constructor(ctx) {
let value;
const valueElement = document.getElementById('__PLUGIN_VALUE__');
if (valueElement) {
value = JSON.parse(unescape(valueElement.textContent));
this.ctx = ctx;
this.value = value && value.value;
function loadTranslations(): LoadedTranslationsType {
const element = document.getElementById('__TRANSLATIONS__');
if (!element) {
throw new Error(
'[fusion-plugin-i18n] - Could not find a __TRANSLATIONS__ element'
try {
return JSON.parse(unescape(element.textContent));
} catch (e) {
throw new Error(
'[fusion-plugin-i18n] - Error parsing __TRANSLATIONS__ element content'