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const get = (path, callback) =>
fswin.getAttributes(path, result =>
if (result === null)
// fswin does not return an error -- problem could be ENOENT,EPERM,etc
callback( new Error("unknown error") );
let attrs = {};
for (let i in result)
if (i.startsWith("IS_"))
attrs[i] = result[i];
const setSync = (path, attrs) =>
const success = fswin.setAttributesSync( path, );
if (success === false)
// fswin does not return an error -- problem could be ENOENT,EPERM,etc
throw new Error("unknown erorr");
const getSync = path =>
const result = fswin.getAttributesSync(path);
if (result === null)
// fswin does not return an error -- problem could be ENOENT,EPERM,etc
throw new Error("unknown erorr");
return convertAttrs.from(result);
const set = (path, attrs, callback) =>
fswin.setAttributes(path,, success =>
// fswin does not return an error -- problem could be ENOENT,EPERM,etc
callback( success===true ? null : new Error("unknown error") );
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
fswin.getAttributes(pathToItem, result => {
if (!result) {
reject(`Could not retrieve attributes for ${pathToItem}`);
const attributes: IAttributes = {
hidden: result!.IS_HIDDEN
} =>
fswin.setAttributesSync(dep.path, {IS_HIDDEN: hidden}) ?
Promise.resolve(Object.assign(dep, {hidden})) :
Promise.reject(new Error(`Failed to modify dir attr: ${dep.path}`))