How to use from2 - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few from2 examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github datproject / datBase / browser / controllers / browse.js View on Github external
function search (query) {
        if (!query) return
        self.set('loading', true)
        query = '*' + query + '*'
        self.set('query', query)
        self.set('all', false)

        var opts = {
          query: query,
          limit: self.get('limit'),
          offset: self.get('offset')

        var stream = from.obj(SEARCH_FIELDS).pipe(through.obj(function (field, enc, next) {
          dathubClient.metadats.searchByField(field, opts, function (err, resp, json) {
            if (err) return next(err)

        stream.on('error', function (err) {
          alert("There was a epic failure. Please open a github issue with your browser's console output")
          self.set('loading', false)

        stream.on('finish', function () {
          // all items have been loaded
          self.set('loading', false)
github beakerbrowser / beaker / app / background-process / networks / dat.js View on Github external
archive.list((err, entries) => {
    if (err)
      return onerror(err)

    // remove duplicates
    var entriesMap = {}
    entries.forEach(e => entriesMap[] = e)
    var entriesKeys = Object.keys(entriesMap)

    // create listing stream
    var listingStream = from2.obj((size, next) => {
      if (entriesKeys.length === 0)
        return next(null, null)
      next(null, entriesMap[entriesKeys.shift()])

    // create the writestream
    var zipWriteStream = listingStream
      .pipe(through2Concurrent.obj({ maxConcurrency: 3 }, (entry, enc, cb) => {
        // files only
        if (entry.type != 'file')
          return cb()

        // pipe each entry into the zip
        log('[DAT] Zipfile writing', JSON.stringify(entry))
        var fileReadStream = archive.createFileReadStream(entry)
github watson / memory-usage / index.js View on Github external
function memoryUsage (opts) {
  if (!opts) return memoryUsage({})
  else if (Number.isFinite(opts)) return memoryUsage({freq: opts})
  else if (!opts.freq) opts.freq = 5000

  var gcSample = null
  var lastScheduledSample = 0

  var stream = from.obj(function (size, next) {
    if (gcSample) {
      var result = gcSample
      gcSample = null // set to null before calling next
      next(null, result)
    } else {
      var ms = opts.freq - ( - lastScheduledSample)
      setTimeout(measure, ms, next).unref()

  if (opts.gc) {
    var profiler = require('gc-profiler')

    stream.once('resume', function () {
      profiler.on('gc', function (info) {
        gcSample = process.memoryUsage()
github mcollina / tentacoli / example.js View on Github external
server.listen(4200, function () {
  var original = net.connect(4200)
  var instance = tentacoli()
  pump(original, instance, original)

    cmd: 'a request',
    streams: {
      inStream: from.obj(['hello', 'world'])
  }, function (err, result) {
    if (err) {
      throw err

    console.log('--> result is',
    console.log('--> stream data:')

    result.streams.echo.pipe(through.obj(function (chunk, enc, cb) {
      cb(null, chunk + '\n')
    result.streams.echo.on('end', function () {
      console.log('--> ended')
github mcollina / aedes / lib / persistence.js View on Github external
function matchingStream (current, pattern) {
  var matcher = new Qlobber(QlobberOpts)

  matcher.add(pattern, true)

  return from2.obj(function match (size, next) {
    var entry

    while ((entry = current.shift()) != null) {
      if (matcher.match(entry.topic).length > 0) {
        setImmediate(next, null, entry)

    if (!entry) this.push(null)
github mafintosh / subgraph / index.js View on Github external
Subgraph.prototype.createReadStream = function (link) {
  if (!link) throw new Error('key is required')
  link = toBuffer(link)

  var self = this
  var stream = from.obj(read)
  stream.length = -1

  return stream

  function read (size, cb) {
    if (!link) return cb(null, null)
    self.db.get(self.prefix + link.toString('hex'), {valueEncoding: messages.Node}, function (err, node) {
      if (err && err.notFound) {
        if (first) ready(0)
        return cb(null, null)
      if (err) return cb(err)
      var first = stream.length === -1
      if (first) ready(node.index + 1)
      link =
      cb(null, node)
github upringjs / upring / lib / monitoring.js View on Github external
upring.add('ns:monitoring,cmd:trace', function (req, reply) {
    const stream = from.obj(function (n, cb) {
      setTimeout(function () {
        const keys = lru.values()
        cb(null, {
          id: upring.whoami(),
      }, maxAge)

    upring.on('prerequest', trace)

    eos(stream, function () {
      if (streams === 0) {
        upring.removeListener('prerequest', trace)
github mafintosh / hyperdrive / lib / feed.js View on Github external
Feed.prototype.createStream = function (opts) {
  if (!opts) opts = {}

  var self = this
  var bytes = this._decode ? opts.bytes : opts.bytes !== false
  var start = opts.start || 0
  var cursor = bytes ? this.cursor() : null

  return bytes ? from(readCursor) : from.obj(readBlocks)

  function readBlocks (size, cb) {
    self.get(start++, cb)

  function readCursor (size, cb) {
    if (start) {, cb)
      start = 0
    } else {
github mafintosh / hypercore / index.js View on Github external
Feed.prototype.createReadStream = function (opts) {
  if (!opts) opts = {}

  var self = this
  var start = opts.start || 0
  var end = typeof opts.end === 'number' ? opts.end : -1
  var live = !!
  var snapshot = opts.snapshot !== false
  var first = true
  var range ={start: start, end: end, linear: true})

  return from.obj(read).on('end', cleanup).on('close', cleanup)

  function read (size, cb) {
    if (!self.opened) return open(size, cb)
    if (!self.readable) return cb(new Error('Feed is closed'))

    if (first) {
      if (end === -1) {
        if (live) end = Infinity
        else if (snapshot) end = self.length
        if (start > end) return cb(null, null)
      if (opts.tail) start = self.length
      first = false

    if (start === end || (end === -1 && start === self.length)) return cb(null, null)
github mafintosh / changes-feed / index.js View on Github external
feed.createReadStream = function(opts, cb) {
    if (typeof opts === 'function') return feed.createReadStream(null, opts)
    if (!opts) opts = {}

    var since = opts.since || 0

    if ( {
      return from.obj(function read(size, cb) {
        db.get(lexint.pack(since+1, 'hex'), {valueEncoding:'binary'}, function(err, value) {
          if (err && err.notFound) return feed.notify.push([read, cb])
          if (err) return cb(err)
          cb(null, {change:++since, value:value})

    var rs = db.createReadStream({
      gt: lexint.pack(since, 'hex'),
      limit: opts.limit,
      reverse: opts.reverse,
      valueEncoding: 'binary'

    var format = function(data, enc, cb) {


Convenience wrapper for ReadableStream, with an API lifted from "from" and "through2"

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