How to use forest-express - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few forest-express examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github ForestAdmin / forest-express-mongoose / src / services / operator-value-parser.js View on Github external
this.perform = (model, key, value) => {
    const schema = Interface.Schemas.schemas[utils.getModelName(model)];
    let parseFct = val => val;
    let ret = null;

    const fieldValues = key.split(':');
    const fieldName = fieldValues[0];
    const subfieldName = fieldValues[1];

    // Mongoose Aggregate don't parse the value automatically.
    let field = _.find(schema.fields, { field: fieldName });

    const isEmbeddedField = !!field.type.fields;
    if (isEmbeddedField) {
      field = _.find(field.type.fields, { field: subfieldName });

    if (field) {
github ForestAdmin / forest-express-sequelize / src / services / has-many-getter.js View on Github external
function HasManyGetter(model, association, opts, params) {
  const queryBuilder = new QueryBuilder(model, opts, params);
  const schema = Interface.Schemas.schemas[];
  const primaryKeyModel = _.keys(model.primaryKeys)[0];

  function getFieldNamesRequested() {
    if (!params.fields || !params.fields[]) { return null; }
    // NOTICE: Force the primaryKey retrieval to store the records properly in
    //         the client.
    const primaryKeyArray = [_.keys(association.primaryKeys)[0]];

    return _.union(primaryKeyArray, params.fields[].split(','));

  const fieldNamesRequested = getFieldNamesRequested();
  const searchBuilder = new SearchBuilder(association, opts, params, fieldNamesRequested);
  const where = searchBuilder.perform(params.associationName);
  const include = queryBuilder.getIncludes(association, fieldNamesRequested);
github ForestAdmin / forest-express-sequelize / src / services / query-builder.js View on Github external
// NOTICE: Sequelize version previous to 4.4.2 generate a bad MSSQL query
      //         if users sort the collection on the primary key, so we prevent
      //         that.
      const idField = _.keys(model.primaryKeys)[0];
      if (Database.isMSSQL(opts) && _.includes([idField, `-${idField}`], params.sort)) {
        const sequelizeVersion = opts.sequelize.version;
        if (sequelizeVersion !== '4.4.2-forest') {
          return null;

      if (params.sort.indexOf('.') !== -1) {
        // NOTICE: Sort on the belongsTo displayed field
        const [associationName, fieldName] = params.sort.split('.');
        const column = getReferenceField(
          (aliasSchema || schema),
        return [[opts.sequelize.col(column), order]];
      if (aliasName) {
        return [[opts.sequelize.col(`${aliasName}.${Orm.getColumnName(aliasSchema, params.sort)}`), order]];
      return [[params.sort, order]];

    return null;
github ForestAdmin / forest-express-sequelize / src / services / operator-value-parser.js View on Github external
// NOTICE: Handle boolean for MySQL database
    let modelName;
    let field;
    let fieldSplit;
    let valueBoolean;
    let fieldBoolean = false;

    if (fieldName.indexOf(':') === -1) {
      modelName =;
    } else {
      fieldSplit = fieldName.split(':');
      modelName = fieldSplit[0];
      fieldName = fieldSplit[1];

    const schema = Schemas.schemas[modelName];
    if (schema) {
      field = _.find(schema.fields, currentField => currentField.field === fieldName);
      if (field && field.type === 'Boolean') {
        fieldBoolean = true;
        if (value.indexOf('true') > -1) {
          valueBoolean = true;
        } else if (value.indexOf('false') > -1) {
          valueBoolean = false;

    const condition = {};
    if (value[0] === '!' && value[1] !== '*') {
      value = value.substring(1);
      if (fieldBoolean) {
github ForestAdmin / forest-express-sequelize / src / services / search-builder.js View on Github external
//         searchFields.
    const fieldsSimpleNotFound = _.xor(
      searchFields,, (field) => field.field),
    const fieldsAssociationNotFound = _.xor(, (association) => association.split('.')[0]),

    if (fieldsSimpleNotFound.length) {
      Interface.logger.warn(`Cannot find the fields [${fieldsSimpleNotFound}] while searching records in model ${}.`);

    if (fieldsAssociationNotFound.length) {
      Interface.logger.warn(`Cannot find the associations [${fieldsAssociationNotFound}] while searching records in model ${}.`);
github ForestAdmin / forest-express-sequelize / src / index.js View on Github external
exports.ResourceSerializer = Interface.ResourceSerializer;
exports.ResourceDeserializer = Interface.ResourceDeserializer;
exports.Schemas = Interface.Schemas;
exports.ResourcesRoute = Interface.ResourcesRoute;

exports.PermissionMiddlewareCreator = Interface.PermissionMiddlewareCreator;
exports.RecordsCounter = Interface.RecordsCounter;
exports.RecordsExporter = Interface.RecordsExporter;
exports.RecordsGetter = Interface.RecordsGetter;
exports.RecordGetter = Interface.RecordGetter;
exports.RecordUpdater = Interface.RecordUpdater;
exports.RecordCreator = Interface.RecordCreator;
exports.RecordRemover = Interface.RecordRemover;
exports.RecordSerializer = Interface.RecordSerializer;


exports.init = function init(opts) {
  exports.opts = opts;

  // NOTICE: Ensure compatibility with the old middleware configuration.
  if (opts.sequelize && !('connections' in opts)) {
    opts.connections = [opts.sequelize];
    opts.sequelize = opts.sequelize.Sequelize;

  exports.getLianaName = function getLianaName() {
    return 'forest-express-sequelize';

  exports.getLianaVersion = function getLianaVersion() {
    const lianaVersion = lianaPackage.version.match(REGEX_VERSION);
github ForestAdmin / forest-express-sequelize / src / index.js View on Github external
const LeaderboardStatGetter = require('./services/leaderboard-stat-getter');
const QueryStatGetter = require('./services/query-stat-getter');

const RecordsDecorator = require('./utils/records-decorator');

const REGEX_VERSION = /(\d+\.)?(\d+\.)?(\*|\d+)/;

exports.collection = Interface.collection;
exports.ensureAuthenticated = Interface.ensureAuthenticated;
exports.StatSerializer = Interface.StatSerializer;
exports.ResourceSerializer = Interface.ResourceSerializer;
exports.ResourceDeserializer = Interface.ResourceDeserializer;
exports.Schemas = Interface.Schemas;
exports.ResourcesRoute = Interface.ResourcesRoute;

exports.PermissionMiddlewareCreator = Interface.PermissionMiddlewareCreator;
exports.RecordsCounter = Interface.RecordsCounter;
exports.RecordsExporter = Interface.RecordsExporter;
exports.RecordsGetter = Interface.RecordsGetter;
exports.RecordGetter = Interface.RecordGetter;
exports.RecordUpdater = Interface.RecordUpdater;
exports.RecordCreator = Interface.RecordCreator;
exports.RecordRemover = Interface.RecordRemover;
exports.RecordSerializer = Interface.RecordSerializer;


exports.init = function init(opts) {
  exports.opts = opts;

  // NOTICE: Ensure compatibility with the old middleware configuration.
  if (opts.sequelize && !('connections' in opts)) {
github ForestAdmin / forest-express-sequelize / src / index.js View on Github external
exports.collection = Interface.collection;
exports.ensureAuthenticated = Interface.ensureAuthenticated;
exports.StatSerializer = Interface.StatSerializer;
exports.ResourceSerializer = Interface.ResourceSerializer;
exports.ResourceDeserializer = Interface.ResourceDeserializer;
exports.Schemas = Interface.Schemas;
exports.ResourcesRoute = Interface.ResourcesRoute;

exports.PermissionMiddlewareCreator = Interface.PermissionMiddlewareCreator;
exports.RecordsCounter = Interface.RecordsCounter;
exports.RecordsExporter = Interface.RecordsExporter;
exports.RecordsGetter = Interface.RecordsGetter;
exports.RecordGetter = Interface.RecordGetter;
exports.RecordUpdater = Interface.RecordUpdater;
exports.RecordCreator = Interface.RecordCreator;
exports.RecordRemover = Interface.RecordRemover;
exports.RecordSerializer = Interface.RecordSerializer;


exports.init = function init(opts) {
  exports.opts = opts;

  // NOTICE: Ensure compatibility with the old middleware configuration.
  if (opts.sequelize && !('connections' in opts)) {
    opts.connections = [opts.sequelize];
    opts.sequelize = opts.sequelize.Sequelize;

  exports.getLianaName = function getLianaName() {
    return 'forest-express-sequelize';
github ForestAdmin / forest-express-sequelize / src / index.js View on Github external
const REGEX_VERSION = /(\d+\.)?(\d+\.)?(\*|\d+)/;

exports.collection = Interface.collection;
exports.ensureAuthenticated = Interface.ensureAuthenticated;
exports.StatSerializer = Interface.StatSerializer;
exports.ResourceSerializer = Interface.ResourceSerializer;
exports.ResourceDeserializer = Interface.ResourceDeserializer;
exports.Schemas = Interface.Schemas;
exports.ResourcesRoute = Interface.ResourcesRoute;

exports.PermissionMiddlewareCreator = Interface.PermissionMiddlewareCreator;
exports.RecordsCounter = Interface.RecordsCounter;
exports.RecordsExporter = Interface.RecordsExporter;
exports.RecordsGetter = Interface.RecordsGetter;
exports.RecordGetter = Interface.RecordGetter;
exports.RecordUpdater = Interface.RecordUpdater;
exports.RecordCreator = Interface.RecordCreator;
exports.RecordRemover = Interface.RecordRemover;
exports.RecordSerializer = Interface.RecordSerializer;


exports.init = function init(opts) {
  exports.opts = opts;

  // NOTICE: Ensure compatibility with the old middleware configuration.
  if (opts.sequelize && !('connections' in opts)) {
    opts.connections = [opts.sequelize];
    opts.sequelize = opts.sequelize.Sequelize;
github ForestAdmin / forest-express-sequelize / src / index.js View on Github external
exports.collection = Interface.collection;
exports.ensureAuthenticated = Interface.ensureAuthenticated;
exports.StatSerializer = Interface.StatSerializer;
exports.ResourceSerializer = Interface.ResourceSerializer;
exports.ResourceDeserializer = Interface.ResourceDeserializer;
exports.Schemas = Interface.Schemas;
exports.ResourcesRoute = Interface.ResourcesRoute;

exports.PermissionMiddlewareCreator = Interface.PermissionMiddlewareCreator;
exports.RecordsCounter = Interface.RecordsCounter;
exports.RecordsExporter = Interface.RecordsExporter;
exports.RecordsGetter = Interface.RecordsGetter;
exports.RecordGetter = Interface.RecordGetter;
exports.RecordUpdater = Interface.RecordUpdater;
exports.RecordCreator = Interface.RecordCreator;
exports.RecordRemover = Interface.RecordRemover;
exports.RecordSerializer = Interface.RecordSerializer;


exports.init = function init(opts) {
  exports.opts = opts;

  // NOTICE: Ensure compatibility with the old middleware configuration.
  if (opts.sequelize && !('connections' in opts)) {
    opts.connections = [opts.sequelize];
    opts.sequelize = opts.sequelize.Sequelize;

  exports.getLianaName = function getLianaName() {
    return 'forest-express-sequelize';