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var types = {
'embedded-opentype': 'ttf2eot',
'woff': 'ttf2woff',
'woff2': 'ttf2woff2',
'svg': 'ttf2svg'
trim: false,
text: webFont.chars || '#' // 传入任意字符避免 fontmin@0.9.5 BUG
if (source.format === 'opentype') {
webFont.files.forEach(function(file) {
var format = file.format;
var fn = types[format];
var extname = path.extname(file.url);
var basename = path.basename(file.url, extname);
var relative = path.relative(dirname, file.url);
paths[extname] = {
file: file,
dirname: path.dirname(relative),
basename: basename,
extname: extname
export function generateFonts(done) {
const fontmin = new Fontmin()
clone: true
clone: true
clone: true
clone: true
return => {
if (err) {
console.log(err); (err, files) {
if (err) {
} else {
* Convert the source OTF to TTF
* Auto-hint the TTF
* Convert the TTF to EOT and WOFF
runFontminJob(new Fontmin().src(otfPath).dest(destPath).use(Fontmin.otf2ttf()))
.then(function (files) {
if (files.length !== 1) {
throw 'Unable to find generated TTF webfont';
} else {
return applyAutohinting(files[0].path);
.then(function (hintedTtf) {
var input = fs.readFileSync(hintedTtf);
fs.writeFileSync('fonts/core-icons.woff2', ttf2woff2(input));
return Promise.all([
runFontminJob(new Fontmin().src(hintedTtf).dest(destPath).use(Fontmin.ttf2eot())),
runFontminJob(new Fontmin().src(hintedTtf).dest(destPath).use(Fontmin.ttf2woff()))