Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
fontFamily = families[i]
if (!fontFamily) {
fontFamily = defaults.fontFamily
if (details.preloaded[fontFamily]) {
font = details.preloaded[fontFamily]
} else {
let filename = path.join(fontDir, fontMap[fontFamily])
try {
font = fontkit.openSync(filename)
} catch (e) {
console.warn(`Could not open font "${fontFamily}" in file "${filename}". ${e.toString()}`)
return new Box()
details.preloaded[fontFamily] = font
var fontHeight = font.ascent - font.descent
var lineHeight = fontHeight > font.unitsPerEm ? fontHeight : fontHeight + font.lineGap
var height = lineHeight / font.unitsPerEm * fontSize
var width = font.layout(text).glyphs.reduce((last, curr) => last + curr.advanceWidth, 0) / font.unitsPerEm * fontSize
var xAdjust = 0
function getFont() {
if (fs.existsSync(collectionPath)) return fontkit.openSync(collectionPath).fonts[0]; // both fonts in the collection seem to be identical
if (fs.existsSync(fontPath)) return fontkit.openSync(fontPath);
console.log('Could not find the emoji font');
return null;
function getFont() {
if (fs.existsSync(collectionPath)) return fontkit.openSync(collectionPath).fonts[0]; // both fonts in the collection seem to be identical
if (fs.existsSync(fontPath)) return fontkit.openSync(fontPath);
console.log('Could not find the emoji font');
return null;
async function main() {
const app = await ntk.createClient();
const window = app.createWindow();;
//const path =
// '/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/fonts/truetype/huerta/alegreya/AlegreyaSans-LightItalic.ttf';
//const path = '/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ubuntu/Ubuntu.ttf';
//const path = 'PT-Serif.woff2';
const path = 'LibreBaskerville.woff2';
var font = fontkit.openSync(path);
// layout a string, using default shaping features.
// returns a GlyphRun, describing glyphs and positions.
var run = font.layout(
'Simp' //lifies a 2D polyline, first using a radial distance check, and then a recursive Douglas-Peucker algorithm.'
let size = 900;
const ctx = window.getContext('2d');
const _update = () => {
let left = 0;
let scale = size / 2048;
const svgs =, index) => {
var path = g.path.scale(scale, -scale).translate(10 + left * scale, 800);
.then(() => {"Fetching font files...");
for (fontFile of interFiles) {
let file = download(fontFile);
let font = fontkit.openSync(file);
inter.version = font.version.replace(/Version\s/, "");
font.availableFeatures.forEach(feature =>
inter.availableFeatures = [...inter.availableFeatures].sort();
console.log("Font version:", inter.version);
console.log("Found font features:", inter.availableFeatures.join(", "));
.then(async () => {
preloadFonts () {
var map = this.document.fontFamilyMappings
var filename
for (var i in map) {
filename = path.join(this.document.fontDir, map[i])
try {
this.document._preloaded[i] = fontkit.openSync(filename)
} catch (e) {
console.warn('Could not load font file for ' + i + '.' + e)
return this
getComputedStyle (node) {
const addFont = (path, log = true) => {
if(path.match(/\/([^.])[^\/]*\.(otf|ttf|woff|woff2)$/i)) {
const font = fontkit.openSync(path)
fonts[path] = {
filename: path,
type: fontType(font),
fullName: font.fullName,
familyName: font.familyName,
subfamilyName: font.subfamilyName,
copyright: font.copyright,
uniqueID: fontUniqueID(config, font)
if(log) { logger.log(`Added font ${path}`) }
return true
getFont(fontDescriptor) {
if (this.fontCache.has(fontDescriptor.postscriptName)) {
return this.fontCache.get(fontDescriptor.postscriptName);
let font = fontkit.openSync(fontDescriptor.path);
if (font.postscriptName !== fontDescriptor.postscriptName) {
font = font.getFont(fontDescriptor.postscriptName);
this.fontCache.set(font.postscriptName, font);
return font;