How to use the firmata.Board.isAcceptablePort function in firmata

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few firmata examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github iamdustan / react-hardware / src / ReactHardwareMount.js View on Github external
        typeof nextElement === 'function' ?
          ' Instead of passing a component class, make sure to instantiate ' +
          'it by passing it to React.createElement.' :
        // Check if it quacks like an element
        nextElement != null && nextElement.props !== undefined ?
          ' This may be caused by unintentionally loading two independent ' +
          'copies of React.' :

      typeof container === 'string' ? (
        Board.isAcceptablePort({comName: container})
      ) : true,
      'Attempting to render into a possibly invalid port: %s',

    if (container) {
      const prevConnection = connectionsByContainer[container];

      if (prevConnection) {
          prevConnection.status !== 'CONNECTING',
          'Attempting to render to port `%s` that is in the process of mounting. ' +
          'You should wait until ReactHardware(comp, port, callback) callback is ' +
          'called to render again',


Firmata protocol implementation for programmatic interaction with Arduino and Arduino compatible development boards. Includes Serialport

Latest version published 4 years ago

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