How to use the firefox-profile.prototype function in firefox-profile

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few firefox-profile examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github firefox-devtools / vscode-firefox-debug / src / util / addon.ts View on Github external
try {
				fs.accessSync(manifestPath, fs.R_OK);
			} catch (err) {
				return Promise.reject(`Couldn't read ${manifestPath}`);
			let manifest = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(manifestPath, 'utf8'));
			return createJetpackXpi(manifest, { addonDir, destDir }).then((xpiPath) => {
				fs.renameSync(xpiPath, destFile);

// we perform some Voodoo tricks to extract the private _addonDetails method
// (which uses the _sanitizePref method) from FirefoxProfile
function FirefoxProfileVoodoo() {}
FirefoxProfileVoodoo.prototype._addonDetails = FirefoxProfile.prototype._addonDetails;
FirefoxProfileVoodoo.prototype._sanitizePref = FirefoxProfile.prototype._sanitizePref;
// and now more Voodoo tricks to turn the (blocking) callback-based method
// into a simple synchronous method
function getLegacyAddonId(addonPath: string): string {
	let addonDetails: any;
	let voodoo = new FirefoxProfileVoodoo();
	voodoo._addonDetails(addonPath, result => addonDetails = result);
github firefox-devtools / vscode-firefox-debug / src / util / addon.ts View on Github external
fs.accessSync(manifestPath, fs.R_OK);
			} catch (err) {
				return Promise.reject(`Couldn't read ${manifestPath}`);
			let manifest = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(manifestPath, 'utf8'));
			return createJetpackXpi(manifest, { addonDir, destDir }).then((xpiPath) => {
				fs.renameSync(xpiPath, destFile);

// we perform some Voodoo tricks to extract the private _addonDetails method
// (which uses the _sanitizePref method) from FirefoxProfile
function FirefoxProfileVoodoo() {}
FirefoxProfileVoodoo.prototype._addonDetails = FirefoxProfile.prototype._addonDetails;
FirefoxProfileVoodoo.prototype._sanitizePref = FirefoxProfile.prototype._sanitizePref;
// and now more Voodoo tricks to turn the (blocking) callback-based method
// into a simple synchronous method
function getLegacyAddonId(addonPath: string): string {
	let addonDetails: any;
	let voodoo = new FirefoxProfileVoodoo();
	voodoo._addonDetails(addonPath, result => addonDetails = result);


firefox profile for selenium WebDriverJs, admc/wd or any other node selenium driver that supports capabilities

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