Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
Application.prototype.findJakefileLocation = function() {
var directory = FILE.cwd();
var filename = null;
while (!(filename = this.hasJakefile(directory)) && directory !== "/")// && !this._options.nosearch)
directory = FILE.absolute(FILE.join(directory, ".."));
if (!filename)
return null;
return [filename, directory];
ApplicationTask.prototype.defineCacheManifestTask = function()
if (!this.shouldGenerateCacheManifest())
var productPath = FILE.join(this.buildProductPath(), "");
var indexFilePath = this.buildIndexFilePath();
// TODO: can we conditionally generate based on outdated files?
var manifestPath = FILE.join(productPath, "app.manifest");
Jake.task(manifestPath, function() {
require("../cache-manifest").generateManifest(productPath, { index : indexFilePath });
CFPropertyList.modifyPlist(buildNative.join("Contents", "Info.plist"), function(plist) {
plist.setValueForKey("CFBundleName", defaultBundleName);
plist.setValueForKey("NHInitialResource", FILE.join(rootBaseName, options.index));
// merge Cappuccino plist
var cappPlistPath = rootPath.join("Info.plist");
if (cappPlistPath.isFile())
mergePlist(plist, cappPlistPath);
if (options.extraPlistPath)
mergePlist(plist, options.extraPlistPath);
RouterLoader.prototype.loadInto = function(app) {
var routerFiles = this.list();
for (var i=0;i
function initOutputDir(){
if (writeFlag){
var dirPath = file.join(profilePath, "testResults");
if (!file.exists(dirPath)) file.mkpath(dirPath);
var existingFiles = file.list(dirPath);
var i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < existingFiles.length; i++)