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/* @flow */
import prefix from 'inline-style-prefixer/static'
import cssifyObject from 'css-in-js-utils/lib/cssifyObject'
import objectReduce from 'fast-loops/lib/objectReduce'
import fallbackValue from 'fela-plugin-fallback-value'
function isPlainObject(obj: any): boolean {
return typeof obj === 'object' && !Array.isArray(obj)
const resolveFallbackValues = fallbackValue()
function addVendorPrefixes(style: Object): Object {
return objectReduce(
(prefixedStyle, value, property) => {
if (isPlainObject(value)) {
prefixedStyle[property] = addVendorPrefixes(value)
} else {
const prefixedDeclaration = prefix({
[property]: style[property],
const styleKeys = Object.keys(prefixedDeclaration)
const referenceProperty = styleKeys[0]
const referenceValue = prefixedDeclaration[referenceProperty]