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initialize: function(options) {
this._options = options || {};
Faye_WebSocket.validateOptions(this._options, ['engine', 'mount', 'ping', 'timeout', 'extensions', 'websocketExtensions']);
this._extensions = [];
this._endpoint = this._options.mount || this.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT;
this._endpointRe = new RegExp('^' + this._endpoint.replace(/\/$/, '') + '(/[^/]*)*(\\.[^\\.]+)?$');
this._server = new Faye_Server(this._options);
this._static = new Faye_StaticServer(path.dirname(__filename) + '/../browser', /\.(?:js|map)$/); + '.js', this.SCRIPT_PATH);'client.js', this.SCRIPT_PATH);
var extensions = this._options.extensions,
websocketExtensions = this._options.websocketExtensions,
i, n;
if (extensions) {
extensions = [].concat(extensions);