How to use the fast-glob.escapePath function in fast-glob

To help you get started, weā€™ve selected a few fast-glob examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github ryanelian / instapack / bin / CopyBuildTool.js View on Github external
const tasks = [];
            const globs = [];
            for (const file of job.files) {
                const absoluteFilePath = upath.join(libraryPath, file);
                const relativeFilePath = upath.relative(libraryPath, absoluteFilePath);
                if (relativeFilePath.startsWith('../')) {
                    Shout_1.Shout.warning(`Copy skip: ${chalk.cyan(file)} is outside library ${chalk.cyan(job.library)} folder!`);
                try {
                    const fileStats = yield fse.lstat(absoluteFilePath);
                    if (fileStats.isFile()) {
                    else if (fileStats.isDirectory()) {
                        const globbedPath = upath.join(FastGlob.escapePath(relativeFilePath), '**');
                    else {
                        Shout_1.Shout.warning(`Copy skip: ${absoluteFilePath} is neither a file nor a folder?!`);
                catch (e) {
                    if (FastGlob.isDynamicPattern(relativeFilePath)) {
            const assets = yield FastGlob(globs, {
                cwd: libraryPath
            const commonPath = this.findCommonParentFolderPath(assets);
github ryanelian / instapack / bin / CopyBuildTool.js View on Github external
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
            const libraryPath = upath.join(this.pathFinder.npmFolder, job.library);
            const targetPath = upath.join(this.pathFinder.outputFolderPath, job.destination);
            const tasks = [];
            const globs = [];
            for (const file of job.files) {
                const absoluteFilePath = upath.join(libraryPath, file);
                const relativeFilePath = upath.relative(libraryPath, absoluteFilePath);
                if (relativeFilePath.startsWith('../')) {
                    Shout_1.Shout.warning(`Copy skip: ${chalk.cyan(file)} is outside library ${chalk.cyan(job.library)} folder!`);
                try {
                    const fileStats = yield fse.lstat(absoluteFilePath);
                    if (fileStats.isFile()) {
                    else if (fileStats.isDirectory()) {
                        const globbedPath = upath.join(FastGlob.escapePath(relativeFilePath), '**');
                    else {
                        Shout_1.Shout.warning(`Copy skip: ${absoluteFilePath} is neither a file nor a folder?!`);
                catch (e) {
                    if (FastGlob.isDynamicPattern(relativeFilePath)) {
            const assets = yield FastGlob(globs, {


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