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async function batched () {`creating ${totalBatches} csv file `)
let currentBatch = 0
let teacherIndex = 1
while (currentBatch < totalBatches) {`creating batch ${currentBatch}`)
// const csvHeaders = ['username', 'password']
const csvStream = csv.format()
const writableStream = fs.createWriteStream(path.join(__dirname, `${currentBatch}-teacherLogins.csv`))
// csvStream.write(csvHeaders)
let batchIndex = 0
while (batchIndex < batchSize) {
csvStream.write([`teacher${teacherIndex}`, 'password'])
function (done) {
// Form the filename with the table name as the subdirectory and the base of the filename
// then th segemnt and the file within the segment
var fileName = table + "-" + segment + "-" + fileCount + ".csv";
if (compressed) {
fileName += ".gz";
csvStream = csv.createWriteStream({ headers: true, maxBufferSize: 10000 });
var writableStream;
if (s3Bucket) {
var filePath = '';
if (s3Path) {
filePath += s3Path + "/";
filePath += table + "/" + fileName;
writableStream = s3StreamUpload(s3, { Bucket: s3Bucket, Key: filePath }, { concurrent: totalSegments });
self.emit(infoEvent, "Starting new file: s3://" + s3Bucket + "/" + filePath);
else {
writableStream = fs.createWriteStream(table + '/' + fileName);
self.emit(infoEvent, "Starting new file: " + fileName);
#!/usr/bin/env node
'use strict'
const mongoose = require('mongoose')
mongoose.promise = global.Promise
const LogonEvent = require('../models/logon-event')
const Answers = require('../models/answer')
const csv = require('fast-csv')
const fs = require('fs')
const csvStream = csv.createWriteStream({headers: true})
const writableStream = fs.createWriteStream('out.csv')
const config = require('../config')
writableStream.on('finish', function () {
mongoose.connect(config.MONGO_CONNECTION_STRING, async function (error) {
if (error) { console.error(error) }
let answers
// extract all complete answers
try {
function loadVcvValues(vcvReadStream, factors){
var deferred = Q.defer();
let correlIds = factors.getCorrelFactorIds();
console.log('Load vcv data for Arria');
.on("data", function(row){
// check factors are in key factors
if (correlIds.includes(row[0]) && correlIds.includes(row[1])){
// see if variance
if (row[0] == row[1]){
let ids = FactorCollection.convertFromCorrelId(row[0])
factors.setVariance(parseFloat(row[2]), ids[0], ids[1]);
if (row[0] == factors.shockedFactorId){
factors.setCovariance(parseFloat(row[2]), factors.shockedFactorId);
} // else correl
else {
if (row.slice(0,2).includes(factors.shockedFactorId)){
let otherFactor = (row[0] == factors.shockedFactorId) ? row[1] : row[0];
let ids = FactorCollection.convertFromCorrelId(otherFactor)
var field = [];
var timeStamp = 0;
var timeNow = new Date();
var msDays = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24; //Number of milliseconds in a day.
var msMinutes = 1000 * 60; //Number of milliseconds in a minute.
var alarmRecords = 0;
var alarmRecord = [""];
var lastKept = 0;
//Load alarms logfile to make sure that these records not deleted.
// If alarms logfile does not exist, ignore.
utils.log('Reading alarms logfile: ' + alarmsLogFile );
if ( utils.fileExists( alarmsLogFile ) ) {
.fromPath( alarmsLogFile )
.on("data", function(data) {
record = data.toString();
field = record.split(',');
timeStamp = Date.parse( field[0] );
alarmRecord[ alarmRecords ] = field[0];
//process.stdout.write( alarmRecords + ": " + timeStamp + "-" + record + '\r');
.on("end", function(){
utils.log("\n Done");
//Display alarm logfile records.
/* if( verbose ) {
utils.log( 'Displaying loaded alarm records...');
for (var i = 0; i < alarmRecords; i++) {
utils.log( 'alarmRecord[' + i + ']: ' + alarmRecord[i] );
const fs = require('fs');
const csv = require('fast-csv');
require('sepia'); /* eslint import/no-extraneous-dependencies: [0] */
const twitter = require('../common/lib/twitter');
// const { getRank } = require('../common/lib/similarweb.js');
const filename = './common/data/dapps.csv';
const apps = [];
.fromPath(filename, {
headers: true,
.on('data', async (data) => {
.on('end', async () => {
await twitter.fetchMentions(apps);
const writeStream = fs.createWriteStream('./common/data/dapps-ranked.csv');
csv.write(apps, { headers: true }).pipe(writeStream);
// strip out the metadata at the beginning of the img source
return image.replace(/^data:image\/jpeg;base64,/, '');
const processAsin = (ASIN, destFile) => scrapePhoto(ASIN)
.then(base64Data => fs.outputFile(destFile, Buffer.from(base64Data, 'base64')));
let count = 0; // use count integer for image filenames
const csvPath = process.argv[2];
// parse the csv of orders
.fromPath(csvPath, { headers: true })
.on('data', (row) => {
// get the product's ASIN (unique ID)
const ASIN = row['ASIN/ISBN'];
processAsin(ASIN, `product_images/${count}.jpg`).catch((err) => {
// if there's an error scraping an image for this row, ignore it
console.error("Oops, couldn't get an image...", err);
count += 1; // increment count
.on('end', () => {
.on('error', (error) => {
if (rows.length >= 5000 || (end && rows.length)) {
sendToDB(rows.splice(0, 0), callback);
rows = [];
function sendToDB(data, callback) {
// Send your data to the db
var decodeStream = iconv.decodeStream('ISO-8859-1');
var csvStream = csv.parse({
delimiter: '\t',
headers: true,
discardUnmappedColumns: true,
ignoreEmpty: true,
trim: true
csvStream.transform(function (data, cb) {
processRowsInBatches(data, false, cb);
.on('error', function (error) { console.error(error); })
.on('finish', function () {
console.log('Finished proccessing stream');
// Call processRowsInBatches to proccess remaining rows
processRowsInBatches(undefined, true, function () {
function getLanguageConfig() {
var read = fs.createReadStream(csvFilePath)
.on('data', function (data) { // this function executes once the data has been retrieved
console.log(data); // data is already an array
.on('data-invalid', (err) => console.log("Error! data invalid"))
.on('end', function (data) {
console.log('Read finished');
return data;
function processFiles({
currentFileNum = 0,
lastFileNum = 0,
arn = null,
retries = 0
}) {
const maxRetries = 5
const nextFileNum = (currentFileNum < lastFileNum) ? currentFileNum + 1 : null
// CSV stream from file
const csvStream = csv.parse({ headers: true, objectMode: true })
const _key = `${key}${currentFileNum}.csv`
s3.getObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: _key }).createReadStream().pipe(csvStream)
console.log(`Processing s3://${bucket}/${_key}`)
return, transform)
.then(() => {
invokeLambda(bucket, _key, nextFileNum, lastFileNum, arn, 0)
}).catch(() => {
// if CSV failed, try it again
if (retries < maxRetries) {
invokeLambda(bucket, _key, currentFileNum, lastFileNum, arn, retries + 1)
} else {
// log and move onto the next one
console.log(`error: maxRetries hit in file ${currentFileNum}`)
invokeLambda(bucket, _key, nextFileNum, lastFileNum, arn, 0)