How to use fancy-test - 2 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few fancy-test examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github oclif / oclif / test / run.js View on Github external
describe(cmd, () => {
    .retries(CI ? 1 : 0)
    .do(() => {
      switch (cmd) {
      case 'base':
        build(cmd, name)
        sh.exec('yarn test')
      case 'plugin':
        build(cmd, name)
        sh.exec('yarn test')
        sh.exec('node ./bin/run hello')
        sh.exec('node ./bin/run')
        sh.exec('node ./bin/run --help')
        sh.exec('npm pack --unsafe-perm')
      case 'single':
github HAECHI-LABS / henesis-cli / src / compiler / solc.spec.ts View on Github external
context('when file does not end with .sol', () => {
        .do(async () => {
          const path = __dirname + '/../../templates/contract/example.notsol';
          await compileSol(path, ({ solcVersion: '0.4.12' } as any) as Option);
        .catch('it is not a solidity file.')
        .it('should throw not sol file error');


extendable utilities for testing

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Popular fancy-test functions