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setBrush(setting) {
const brush = this.getCanvas().freeDrawingBrush;
setting = setting || {};
this.width = setting.width || this.width;
if (setting.color) {
this.oColor = new fabric.Color(setting.color);
brush.width = this.width;
brush.color = this.oColor.toRgba();
constructor(graphics) {
super(consts.componentNames.FREE_DRAWING, graphics);
* Brush width
* @type {number}
this.width = 12;
* fabric.Color instance for brush color
* @type {fabric.Color}
this.oColor = new fabric.Color('rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)');
setBrush(setting) {
const brush = this.getCanvas().freeDrawingBrush;
setting = setting || {};
this._width = setting.width || this._width;
if (setting.color) {
this._oColor = new fabric.Color(setting.color);
brush.width = this._width;
brush.color = this._oColor.toRgba();
constructor(graphics) {
super(consts.componentNames.LINE, graphics);
* Brush width
* @type {number}
* @private
this._width = 12;
* fabric.Color instance for brush color
* @type {fabric.Color}
* @private
this._oColor = new fabric.Color('rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)');
* Listeners
* @type {object.}
* @private
this._listeners = {
mousedown: this._onFabricMouseDown.bind(this),
mousemove: this._onFabricMouseMove.bind(this),
mouseup: this._onFabricMouseUp.bind(this)