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test('\n\n***** U P D A T E C H A N N E L flow: update channel *****\n\n', (t) => {
Client.addConfigFile(path.join(__dirname, './config.json'));
ORGS = Client.getConfigSetting('test-network');
// Create and configure the test channel
var channel_name = 'mychannel';
var client = new Client();
var caRootsPath = ORGS.orderer.tls_cacerts;
let data = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, caRootsPath));
let caroots = Buffer.from(data).toString();
var orderer = client.newOrderer(
'pem': caroots,
test('\n\n***** SDK Built config update create flow *****\n\n', async (t) => {
Client.addConfigFile(path.join(__dirname, './config.json'));
const ORGS = Client.getConfigSetting('test-network');
const client = new Client();
const caRootsPath = ORGS.orderer.tls_cacerts;
const data = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, caRootsPath));
const caroots = Buffer.from(data).toString();
const signatures = [];
// Acting as a client in org1 when creating the channel
const org =;
utils.setConfigSetting('key-value-store', 'fabric-common/lib/impl/FileKeyValueStore.js');
const tlsInfo = await e2eUtils.tlsEnroll('org1');
let tx_id = null;
let nonce = null;
let keystore = homedir() + '/.hfc-key-store';
let channel = 'mychannel';
let logger = utils.getLogger('join-channel');
let useTls = (process.env.SYSTEST) ? process.env.SYSTEST.match('tls$') : false;
if (useTls) {
hfc.addConfigFile(path.join(__dirname, './config.tls.json'));
console.log('using tls connection to join the peers');
} else {
console.log('using non-tls connection');
hfc.addConfigFile(path.join(__dirname, './config.json'));
let ORGS = hfc.getConfigSetting('test-network');
* join channel
* @param {any} org org
* @returns {Promise} promise
function joinChannel(org) {
console.log(util.format('Calling peers in organization "%s" to join the channel'));
// Create and configure the test chain
let client = new hfc();
let chain = client.newChain(channel);
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
'use strict';
var path = require('path');
var fs = require('fs');
var util = require('util');
var hfc = require('fabric-client');
var Peer = require('fabric-client/lib/Peer.js');
var config = require('../config.json');
var helper = require('./helper.js');
var logger = helper.getLogger('invoke-chaincode');
var EventHub = require('fabric-client/lib/EventHub.js');
hfc.addConfigFile(path.join(__dirname, 'network-config.json'));
var ORGS = hfc.getConfigSetting('network-config');
var invokeChaincode = function(peersUrls, channelName, chaincodeName, fcn, args, username, org) {
logger.debug(util.format('\n============ invoke transaction on organization %s ============\n', org));
var client = helper.getClientForOrg(org);
var channel = helper.getChannelForOrg(org);
var targets = helper.newPeers(peersUrls);
var tx_id = null;
return helper.getRegisteredUsers(username, org).then((user) => {
tx_id = client.newTransactionID();
logger.debug(util.format('Sending transaction "%j"', tx_id));
// send proposal to endorser
var request = {
targets: targets,
chaincodeId: chaincodeName,
function init() {
if (!ORGS) {
Client.addConfigFile(path.join(__dirname, './config.json'));
ORGS = Client.getConfigSetting('test-network');
function init() {
if (!ORGS) {
Client.addConfigFile(path.join(__dirname, 'e2e', './config.json'));
ORGS = Client.getConfigSetting('test-network');
for (const key in ORGS) {
if (, key) && typeof ORGS[key].peer1 !== 'undefined') {
const data = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, 'e2e', ORGS[key].peer1.tls_cacerts));
const org = ORGS[key].peer1;
org.pem = Buffer.from(data).toString();
let testUtil = require('./setup-utils.js');
let utils = require('fabric-client/lib/utils.js');
let Orderer = require('fabric-client/lib/Orderer.js');
const homedir = require('homedir');
let logger = utils.getLogger('create-channel');
let useTls = process.env.SYSTEST ? process.env.SYSTEST.match('tls$') : false;
if (useTls) {
console.log('using tls connection to create the channel');
hfc.addConfigFile(path.join(__dirname, './config.tls.json'));
} else {
console.log('using non-tls connection');
hfc.addConfigFile(path.join(__dirname, './config.json'));
let ORGS = hfc.getConfigSetting('test-network');
//TODO: Need to make this configurable
let keystore = homedir() + '/.hfc-key-store';
let channel = 'mychannel';
let client = new hfc();
let chain = client.newChain(channel);
if (useTls) {
let caRootsPath = ORGS.orderer.tls_cacerts;
let data = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, caRootsPath));
//let data = fs.readFileSync(caRootsPath);
let caroots = Buffer.from(data).toString();
var _test = require('tape-promise');
var test = _test(tape);
var path = require('path');
var util = require('util');
var fs = require('fs');
var testUtil = require('../unit/util.js');
var hfc = require('fabric-client');
var Peer = require('fabric-client/lib/Peer.js');
var Orderer = require('fabric-client/lib/Orderer.js');
var client = new hfc();
var chain_id =;
var chain = client.newChain(chain_id);
hfc.addConfigFile(path.join(__dirname, 'e2e', 'config.json'));
var ORGS = hfc.getConfigSetting('test-network');
var org = 'org1';
var orgName = ORGS[org].name;
var e2e = testUtil.END2END;
var the_user = null;
var tx_id = null;
var nonce = null;
var querys = [];
if (process.argv.length > 2) {
for (let i=2; i
function init(config_path) {
ORGS = Client.getConfigSetting('fabric').network;
module.exports.init = init;