How to use the external-editor.editAsync function in external-editor

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few external-editor examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github sx1989827 / DOClever / node_modules / inquirer / lib / prompts / editor.js View on Github external
Prompt.prototype.startExternalEditor = function () {
  // Pause Readline to prevent stdin and stdout from being modified while the editor is showing
  ExternalEditor.editAsync(this.currentText, this.endExternalEditor.bind(this));
github graalvm / graaljs / tools / node_modules / eslint / node_modules / inquirer / lib / prompts / editor.js View on Github external
startExternalEditor() {
    // Pause Readline to prevent stdin and stdout from being modified while the editor is showing
    editAsync(this.currentText, this.endExternalEditor.bind(this));
github SBoudrias / Inquirer.js / packages / inquirer / lib / prompts / editor.js View on Github external
startExternalEditor() {
    // Pause Readline to prevent stdin and stdout from being modified while the editor is showing
    editAsync(this.currentText, this.endExternalEditor.bind(this));
github rei / rei-cedar-docs / node_modules / inquirer / lib / prompts / editor.js View on Github external
Prompt.prototype.startExternalEditor = function () {
  // Pause Readline to prevent stdin and stdout from being modified while the editor is showing
  ExternalEditor.editAsync(this.currentText, this.endExternalEditor.bind(this));


Edit a string with the users preferred text editor using $VISUAL or $ENVIRONMENT

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