How to use the express-vue.init function in express-vue

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few express-vue examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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else {
            jwtSecret = 'mrnodebot';
            logger.warn('You did not set a jwt api secret in express.jwt.secret, falling back to default');
        return jwtSecret;

    // Create Express Server
    const webServer = Express();

    // Initialize Helmet

    // Initiate express-vue
    const finalVueOptions = _.isObject(app.Config.vueOptions) ? _.defaults(expressVueOptions, app.Config.vueOptions) : expressVueOptions;
    const expressVueMiddleware = expressVue.init(finalVueOptions);

    // Hold on to HTTP Server
    const server = require('http').createServer(webServer);

    // Bind
    webServer.socketIO = socketIO(server);

    // Hold on to the Logging transports
    const transports = [];

    // Push the File Logging transports
        new (winston.transports.DailyRotateFile)({
            name: 'express-info-file',
            filename: 'logs/express-info.log',


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Popular express-vue functions