How to use exorcist - 7 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few exorcist examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github cncjs / cncjs / gulp / tasks / browserify.js View on Github external
let rebundle = () => {
        gutil.log('Rebundling "%s"...', gutil.colors.cyan(bundleFile));
        return bundler.bundle()
            .pipe(source(bundleFile)) // streaming vinyl file object
            .pipe(buffer()) // convert from streaming to buffered vinyl file object
            .pipe(gulpif(, livereload()))
            .pipe(notify(() => {
                gutil.log('Finished "%s" bundle.', gutil.colors.cyan(bundleFile));
github dysfunc / eleven / gulpfile.babel.js View on Github external
function bundle(){
  return bundler
    .on('error', function (err) {
    .pipe(ifElse(process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production', uglify))
github peteroome / giphy-menubar / tasks / bundleNEW.js View on Github external
function bundle(src, dest) {
  const jsFile = path.basename(dest);
  const destPath = path.dirname(dest);
  const mapFile = `${dest}.map`;

  bundler.add(src, bundle);
    .on('error', (error) => {
      console.error('\nError: ', error, '\n');
    .pipe(ifElse(process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production', uglify))
github jpgcode / gulp-starterkit / gulp / tasks / jsbundle.js View on Github external
gulp.task('jsbundle', ['eslint'], () => {
  return browserify({
      paths: [ path.join(__dirname, ],
      entries: config.js.entryFile,
      debug: true
  .bundle().on('error', function(error){
        gutil.log('[Build Error]', error.message));
github sergiocruz / react-connect4 / gulpfile.babel.js View on Github external
function bundle() {

  gutil.log('Compiling JS...');

  return bundler.bundle()
    .on('error', (err) => {
      browserSync.notify('Browserify Error!');
    .pipe({once: true}));
github jsonmaur / jumpsuit / packages / cli / src / compilers / javascript.js View on Github external
fromString: true
        fs.writeFileSync(file, newCode.code)

        type: 'refresh'

  if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' && CONFIG.prodSourceMaps) {
    bundler.bundle((err) => {
      if (err) cb(err)
      .pipe(exorcist(path.resolve(CONFIG.outputDir, sourceMapFile)))
      .on('finish', () => cb())
  } else {
    bundler.bundle((err) => {
      if (err) cb(err)
      .on('finish', () => cb())
}, { wait: 300 })
github cheapsteak / react-transition-group-plus / gulpfile.babel.js View on Github external
pipeline = pipeline.pipe(transform(() => {
      return exorcist(path.join(config.scripts.destination, config.scripts.filename) + '.map');


Externalizes the source map found inside a stream to an external `` file

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