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//data = data2;
// eth_util.toBuffer
//var msg_hash = eth_sig_utils.typedSignatureHash(data.message);
//console.log("MSGHASH", msg_hash);
var msg_hash = utils.hashStruct(data.primaryType, data.message, data.types);
console.log('MSG_HASH = ', eth_util.bufferToHex(msg_hash));
var msg_sig = eth_sig_utils.signTypedData(key, {data: data})
console.log("Ok, signed typed data using " + account.address)
console.log("SIGNATURE = " + msg_sig);
var signer = eth_sig_utils.recoverTypedSignature({data: data, sig: msg_sig});
signer = w3_utils.toChecksumAddress(signer);
if (signer === account.address) {
console.log("Ok, verified signature was signed by " + signer);
} else {
console.log("ERROR: signature verification failed");
// const typedData = {
// types: {
// EIP712Domain: [
// { name: 'name', type: 'string' },
// { name: 'version', type: 'string' },
// { name: 'chainId', type: 'uint256' },
// { name: 'verifyingContract', type: 'address' },
// ],
'amount': new BigNumber('35000000000000000000'),
'balance': 2000,
//var key = eth_util.toBuffer(buyer_key_bytes);
var key = eth_util.toBuffer(buyer_key);
// eth_util.toBuffer
var sig = eth_sig_utils.signTypedData(key, {data: data})
console.log("Ok, signed typed data using " + account.address)
console.log("SIGNATURE = " + sig);
var signer = eth_sig_utils.recoverTypedSignature({data, sig});
signer = w3_utils.toChecksumAddress(signer);
if (signer === account.address) {
console.log("Ok, verified signature was signed by " + signer);
} else {
console.log("ERROR: signature verification failed");
// dicether/eip712
// eth-sig-util
// eth_sig_utils.signTypedData
// eth_sig_utils.recoverTypedSignature
var w3_utils = require("web3-utils");
var eth_sig_utils = require("eth-sig-util");
var eth_accounts = require("web3-eth-accounts");
var eth_util = require("ethereumjs-util");
const utils = eth_sig_utils.TypedDataUtils;
var buyer_key = "0x" + "a4985a2ed93107886e9a1f12c7b8e2e351cc1d26c42f3aab7f220f3a7d08fda6";
var buyer_key_bytes = w3_utils.hexToBytes(buyer_key);
const consumer_key = '0x395df67f0c2d2d9fe1ad08d1bc8b6627011959b79c53d7dd6a3536a33ab8a4fd';
const consumer_delegate_key = '0xe485d098507f54e7733a205420dfddbe58db035fa577fc294ebd14db90767a52';
var account = new eth_accounts().privateKeyToAccount(consumer_key);
var addr = eth_util.toBuffer(account.address);
console.log("Using private key: " + buyer_key);
console.log("Account canonical address: " + account.address);
const data3 = {
value = 4 * 10 ** decimals;
from = newAccount.address;
// to = strangerAccount;
// from = account1;
to = web3m.eth.accounts.create().address;
delegate = dreamTeamAccount;
fee = 2 * 10 ** decimals - 1;
deadline = (await web3m.eth.getBlock(`latest`)).timestamp + 60 * 60 * 24 * 7; // +7 days
usedSigId = sigId++;
const dataToSign = getTypedDataToSign();
await token.transfer(from, 4 * (value + fee), { from: dreamTeamAccount });
const balanceFrom = +(await;
assert.equal(balanceFrom, 4 * (value + fee), "Account balance must be refilled");
const balanceTo = +(await;
const balanceDelegate = +(await;
signature = sigUtils.signTypedData(
Buffer.from(newAccount.privateKey.slice(2), "hex"),
{ data: dataToSign }
const tx = await token.transferViaSignature(
from, to, value, fee, delegate, deadline, usedSigId, signature, SIG_STANDARD_TYPED, { from: delegate }
infoLog(`TX (transferViaSignature) gas usage: ${ getUsedGas(tx) }`);
assert.equal(+(await token.balanceOf(from)), balanceFrom - value - fee, "Must subtract balance");
assert.equal(+(await token.balanceOf(to)), balanceTo + value, "Must add balance to recipient");
assert.equal(+(await token.balanceOf(delegate)), balanceDelegate + fee, "Must pay fee to delegate");
async verifyListingSignature(listing, signer) {
// grab the raw ipfs hash
const ipfs_response = await this.ipfsService.loadFile(listing.ipfs.hash)
const ipfs_data = await ipfs_response.json()
const signature = ipfs_data.signature
delete ipfs_data.signature
listing.raw_ipfs_hash = this.contractService.web3.utils.sha3(stringify(ipfs_data))
const signData = await this.contractService.getSignListingData(listing)
const recoveredAddress = recoverTypedSignature({ data: signData, sig: signature })
delete listing.raw_ipfs_hash
if (recoveredAddress == signer.toLowerCase()) {
return true
console.log('Signature verification failed:', signData, ' recovered address:', recoveredAddress, ' signer:', signer)
const result = await promisify<{ result: string, error: Error }>(
this.web3.currentProvider, 'sendAsync'
method: 'eth_signTypedData',
params: [params,],
if (result.error)
throw result.error;
sign = result.result;
} catch (err) {
if (err.message && err.message.includes('User denied')) {
throw err;
console.log('Error on signTypedData', err);
const hash = typedSignatureHash(params);
// ask for signing of the hash
sign = await this.signMessage(hash);
const recovered = recoverTypedSignature({ data: params, sig: sign });
console.log('signTypedData =', sign, recovered);
proof.sign = sign;
// return signed message
if (proof.balance === {
{ proof, next_proof: proof }
let msgParams = [
type: 'string', // Any valid solidity type
name: 'Message', // Any string label you want
value: 'Vote for ' + candidateName // The value to sign
var from = web3.eth.accounts[0]
var params = [msgParams, from]
var method = 'eth_signTypedData'
console.log("Hash is ");
}, function (err, result) {
if (err) return console.dir(err)
if (result.error) {
if (result.error) return console.error(result)
$("#msg").html("User wants to vote for " + candidateName + ". Any one can now submit the vote to the blockchain on behalf of this user. Use the below values to submit the vote to the blockchain");
$("#vote-for").html("Candidate: " + candidateName);
$("#addr").html("Address: " + from);
$("#signature").html("Signature: " + result.result);
console.log('PERSONAL SIGNED:' + JSON.stringify(result.result))
function signatureDigest (hashed, priv) {
let buffedHash = byteArrToBuffer(hashed)
let buffedPriv = byteArrToBuffer(priv)
// let toBuffer = EthUtil.toBuffer(hashed)
let ecSigned = EthUtil.ecsign(buffedHash, buffedPriv)
let rpcSig = EthUtil.bufferToHex(sigUtil.concatSig(ecSigned.v, ecSigned.r, ecSigned.s))
let rpcSigInByte = hexToByteArr(rpcSig)
debug(`low level signature signed by private key is: ${rpcSigInByte}`)
return rpcSigInByte
let returnData = {}
returnData.signature = result.result
// ensure that the signature matches
const recoveredAddress = ethUtil.toChecksumAddress(ethSigUtil.recoverTypedSignature({
data: typedData,
sig: returnData.signature
if (ethUtil.toChecksumAddress(recoveredAddress) !== from) {
return reject(Error(
`The returned signature '${returnData.signature}' originated from '${recoveredAddress}', not '${from}'.`
returnData.from = from
returnData.messageHash = ethSigUtil.typedSignatureHash(typedData)
const signature = ethUtil.fromRpcSig(returnData.signature)
returnData.r = ethUtil.addHexPrefix(Buffer.from(signature.r).toString('hex'))
returnData.s = ethUtil.addHexPrefix(Buffer.from(signature.s).toString('hex'))
returnData.v = signature.v
it('returns the expected value', async () => {
const typedData = {
types: {
EIP712Domain: []
domain: {},
primaryType: 'EIP712Domain',
message: {}
await keyring.deserialize([privKeyHex])
const sig = await keyring.signTypedData_v4(address, typedData)
const restored = sigUtil.recoverTypedSignature({ data: typedData, sig: sig })
assert.equal(restored, address, 'recovered address')