How to use the function in estrella

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few estrella examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github rsms / gotalk / js / build.js View on Github external
async function postProcess(config, diagnostics) {
  let jsbuf = await

  // find sourceMappingURL
  let sourceMappingURLBuf = Buffer.from("//# sourceMappingURL")
  let i = jsbuf.indexOf(sourceMappingURLBuf)
  if (i == -1) { throw new Error("could not find '//# sourceMappingURL' in gotalk.js") }

  // js without sourcemap url
  let jsbuf1 = jsbuf.subarray(0, i)

  // js with nodejs compat code added
  let jsbuf2 = Buffer.concat([
    jsbuf.subarray(0, i),
    Buffer.from(`if(typeof module!="undefined")module.exports=gotalk;\n`),


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