How to use esri-loader - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few esri-loader examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github sean-olson-e / Angular-and-the-ArcGIS-API-for-JavaScript / sample_apps / 7-async-observables / src / app / esri-map / esri-map.component.ts View on Github external
public ngOnInit() {

    this.panRequestSubscription = this.mapService.panRequest.subscribe(() => {

    // use esri-loader to load JSAPI modules
    return loadModules([
      .then(([Map, MapView, Graphic]) => {
        const map: __esri.Map = new Map({
          basemap: 'hybrid'

        this.mapView = new MapView({
          container: this.viewNode.nativeElement,
          center: [-12.287, -37.114],
          zoom: 12,
          map: map
github roemhildtg / can-arcgis / components / esri-map / widgets / createWidgets.js View on Github external
function addWidget (view, widget) {
    switch (widget.parent) {
    case 'expand': 
        // expand type widget. places a widget inside a expand wrapper that is toggle able and mobile friendly
        if (widget.iconClass) {
            console.warn('widget.iconClass is deprecated: use widget.parentOptions.expandIconClass instead')
        loadModules(['esri/widgets/Expand']).then(([Expand]) => {
            const expand = new Expand(Object.assign({

                // see
                expandIconClass: widget.iconClass || DEFAULT_ICON,
                view: view,
                content: widget.component
            }, widget.parentOptions || {}));
                component: expand,
                position: widget.position || DEFAULT_POSITION,
                index: widget.index
github beginor / ng-esri-demo / projects / web / src / app / services / esri-loader-guard.ts View on Github external
public async canLoad(
        route: Route,
        segments: UrlSegment[]
    ): Promise {
        if (isLoaded()) {
            return true;
        try {
            const options = this.getOptions();
            // load esri script and dojoConfig;
            await loadScript(options);
            // add cors enabled hosts
            const [config] = await loadModules(['esri/config']);
            for (const server of environment.trustedServers) {
            return true;
        catch (ex) {
            return false;
github beginor / ng-esri-demo / projects / web / src / app / services / esri-loader-guard.ts View on Github external
public async canLoad(
        route: Route,
        segments: UrlSegment[]
    ): Promise {
        if (isLoaded()) {
            return true;
        try {
            const options = this.getOptions();
            // load esri script and dojoConfig;
            await loadScript(options);
            // add cors enabled hosts
            const [config] = await loadModules(['esri/config']);
            for (const server of environment.trustedServers) {
            return true;
        catch (ex) {
            return false;
github luiguild / arceasy / src / map.js View on Github external
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    const cdn = global.options.cdn

    if (cdn !== undefined && global.loaded) {
      // Has the ArcGIS API been added to the page?
      if (!esriLoader.isLoaded()) {
        // No, lazy load it the ArcGIS API before using its classes
        esriLoader.bootstrap(err => {
          if (err) {
          // Once it's loaded, create the map
          logger.log(`Waiting ESRI server...`)
          dojoLoader(resolve, reject)
        }, {
          // Use a specific version instead of latest 4.x
          url: cdn
      } else {
        // ArcGIS API is already loaded, just create the map
        logger.log(`Waiting ESRI server...`)
        dojoLoader(resolve, reject)
github Esri / arcgis-rest-js / demos / webmap-checker-sapper / src / components / WebMap.html View on Github external
intializeWebMap() {
        // get the id of the webmap from the component
        const { itemId } = this.get();

        // set the session from the global store
        const { session } =;

        // load the CSS dynamically with Esri Loader

        // load JS API modules with Esri Loader
          .then(([MapView, WebMap, esriId]) => {
            // since our webmap might be private we can pass teh credentials
            // from the ArcGIS REST JS session to the JS API Identity Manager
            // the JS API will then use these credentials for future requests

            // then we load a web map from an id
            var webmap = new WebMap({
              portalItem: {
github Esri / ember-esri-loader / addon / services / esri-loader.js View on Github external
loadScript (options) {
    return esriLoader.loadScript(options)
    .then(script => {
      // have to wrap this async side effect in so tests don't fail
      // may be able to remove this once we can have esriLoader use RSVP.Promise
      run(() => {
        // update the isLoaded computed property
        return script;
github tomwayson / esri-angular-cli-example / src / app / esri-loader.service.ts View on Github external
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      // don't try to load a second time
      if (isLoaded()) {
      // wrap bootstrap in a promise
      bootstrap((err) => {
        if (err) {
        } else {
      }, options);
github tomwayson / angular-esri-loader / src / services / esri-loader.service.ts View on Github external
return new Promise((resolve: Function, reject: Function) => {
      // don't try to load a second time
      if (isLoaded()) {
      // wrap bootstrap in a promise
      bootstrap((err: Error) => {
        if (err) {
        } else {
      }, options);
github vannizhang / wayback / src / index.js View on Github external
const URL_WAYBACK_AGOL_ITEMS_LOOKUP = tierInfo.devMode ? URL_WAYBACK_AGOL_ITEMS_LOOKUP_BASE + '/dev/waybackconfig.json' : URL_WAYBACK_AGOL_ITEMS_LOOKUP_BASE + '/waybackconfig.json';
const URL_PORTAL = tierInfo.devMode ? '' : '';
const URL_CUSTOMIZED_PORTAL = tierInfo.portal || null;

const KEY_RELEASE_NUM = 'M';
const KEY_RELEASE_NAME = 'Name';

const DOM_ID_MAP_CONTAINER = 'mapDiv';
const DOM_ID_BARCHART = 'barChartDiv';
const DOM_ID_ITEMLIST = 'listCardsWrap';
const MODAL_ID_UPLAOD_WEBMAP = 'web-map-loading-indicator';

// before using esri-loader, tell it to use the promise library
esriLoader.utils.Promise = Promise;
const esriLoaderOptions = {
    // url: ''

$(window).on('load', function() {

        // "esri/geometry/Extent",
        // "esri/Graphic",


A tiny library to help load ArcGIS API for JavaScript modules in non-Dojo applications

Latest version published 2 years ago

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