How to use the eshost.createAgent function in eshost

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few eshost examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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async function runInHost(testable, host) {
  let runner;
  const {
    args: hostArguments,
    path: hostPath,
    type: hostType,
  } = host;
  const shortName = '$262';
  await esh.createAgent(hostType, {
  }).then(r => {
    runner = r;
    return runner.evalScript(testable, {
      async: argv.async || (testable.attrs && testable.attrs.flags && testable.attrs.flags.module),
      module: argv.module || (testable.attrs && testable.attrs.flags && testable.attrs.flags.module)
  }).then(result => {
    reporter.result(host, result);
    return runner.destroy();
  }).catch(e => {
    console.error(`Failure attempting to eval script in agent: ${e.stack}`));


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