How to use the epsagon.init function in epsagon

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few epsagon examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github epsagon / epsagon-node / test / acceptance / lambda-handlers / handler.js View on Github external
// vim: ts=4 sw=4 expandtab
/* eslint no-unused-vars: ["error", { "argsIgnorePattern": "^_" }] */
const epsagon = require('epsagon');

    token: 'my-secret-token',
    appName: 'my-app-name',
    metadataOnly: false,
const matrixFunctions = {};

matrixFunctions.sanity = epsagon.lambdaWrapper((event, context, callback) => {
    const response = {
        statusCode: 200,
        body: JSON.stringify({
            message: 'It Worked!',
            input: event,

    callback(null, response);
github comicrelief / lambda-wrapper / src / Wrapper / LambdaWrapper.js View on Github external
Object.keys(userBrowserAndDevice).forEach((metricKey) => {
        logger.metric(metricKey, userBrowserAndDevice[metricKey], true);

    return, di, request, callback);

  // If the Epsagon token is enabled, then wrap the instance in the Epsagon wrapper
  if (
    typeof process.env.EPSAGON_TOKEN === 'string'
    && process.env.EPSAGON_TOKEN !== 'undefined'
    && typeof process.env.EPSAGON_SERVICE_NAME === 'string'
    && process.env.EPSAGON_SERVICE_NAME !== 'undefined'
  ) {
      token: process.env.EPSAGON_TOKEN,
      appName: process.env.EPSAGON_SERVICE_NAME,

    instance = Epsagon.lambdaWrapper(instance);

  return instance;


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